The past -- shows us where we have been and Informs who we are… but does not determine where we are going or who we will be.
Learning takes place… Everyday Bell-to-bell Safe environment for all to learn… Safe to make mistakes Accountability and ownership Safe to ask questions/explore new learning Your right to learn and be in class does not outweigh another student’s rights to learn and be in class
emembering Very day Upport, Rotect, Ncourage, elebrate Alents & triumphs to and our
1. Come in calmly 2. Get all supplies needed for the day (pencil, books, paper) 3. Put point sheet in tray next to bookcase 4. Check folders for unfinished or missing work…use time to finish theses assignments
1. You may choose your seat…choose wisely 2. Pick the seat that will help you stay the most focused on learning. 3. Should you not be able to learn in the seat you chose, the teacher will problem solve with you about other places to sit.
1. Each student’s seat, supplies and personal belongings are theirs 2. Respect another student’s “regular” seat 3. Before “borrowing” anything, you need to ask permission from that student Saying, “They won’t mind” and borrowing without permission is not respectful 4. Be polite and return borrowed items back to owner in good condition
Coats/jackets: back of chair Backpacks: next to chair Phones: turned to silent, put away iPods: tuned off, put away Tobacco products: put away Make-up/hair products: put away
1. Staff member raises hand and asks for attending skills 2. Students/adults stop what they are doing, and raise hand. 3. Students/adults turn toward speaker…. A. give appropriate eye contact and body language B. give attending skills C. remain quiet and respectful until speaker is finished D. ask clarifying and validating questions of speaker
1. Attending skills 1. Politeness…wait your turn, no interrupting 2. Prepared…supplies, attention 3. Participation…following directions 4. Producing…completing activities/assignments 2. Appropriate body language 1. Sitting upright 2. Head up 3. Eye contact 3. Level of Communication 1. Silent, active listening 2. Asking clarifying and validating questions 3. Discussion about activity/assignment
1. Attending skills 1. Politeness…wait your turn, no interrupting 2. Prepared…supplies, attention 3. Participation…following directions 4. Producing…completing activities/assignments 5. PMA…positive, encouraging 2. Tribal Rules 3. Appropriate body language 1. Sitting upright 2. Head up 3. Eye contact 4. Level of Communication 1. Active listening 2. Adult mode: sharing ideas, problem solving 3. Quiet voice 4. Asking clarifying and validating questions 5. Discussion about activity, project or assignment
1. Reread any directions or passage 2. Ask clarifying or validating questions 3. Seek other’s opinions/advice 4. Brainstorm possible solutions 5. Choose the best solution 6. Carry out solution 7. Evaluate results of solution chosen 8. Repeat steps if needed
1. Attending skills 1. Politeness…wait your turn, no interrupting 2. Prepared…supplies, attention 3. Participating…following directions 4. Producing…completing activities/assignments 5. PMA…CAN-DO attitude 6. Prompt… goal setting, time management, on-time completion 2. Appropriate body language 1. Sitting upright 2. Head up 3. Level of Communication 1. Silent 2. Asking clarifying and validating questions
ompletely dmitting Ot ry I’m Going to
1. Reread directions: circle verbs, underline important information; try again 2. Ask a friend to explain the assignment or problem 3. In adult mode, ask teacher for help 4. If available, be specific in your request 5. If unavailable, go on to the next step or problem or question
Dismissal occurs when teacher dismisses… NOT based on the clock or what others are doing 1. Clean up your personal space (desk/floor) 2. Neatly return all supplies to rightful place 3. Hand in all finished assignments – with name, date and assignment 4. Store unfinished assignments in yellow folder 5. Wait by desk patiently until teacher completes signed point sheet and dismisses you
1. Chairs will face one another in a circle 2. All participate, are seated in circle, clap in at the count of three 3. Students will use appropriate body language and eye contact 4. One person will state the prompt; others will be silent and listen attentively. Only the person with the Mickey Mouse Sqoosh may speak 5. Each person will take a turn: A. Say name B. Give number scale C. State emotion D. Answer prompt E. Students ask clarifying/validating questions, make positive comments or connections F. Applause 6. Next person follows same procedure. Continue around circle until all have participated. 7. Clap out. NO….answering phones, opening doors, getting up from circle, leaving room What is said in the circle….stays in the circle.
1. Promptly leave together and arrive together; stay in a group A. Bathroom breaks, voluntary focus, drinks, going to see counselor/admin will be done at a different time. 2. Politely walk quietly down the hall, showing respect for the learning of others by not disturbing other classes 3. Prepared with any needed supplies 4. Communicate in adult mode with G-rated conversations
1. Student respectfully requests a focus room, at appropriate time and place. from staff person. 2. Staff may request hallway conference prior to checking focus room availability. 3. If focus is deemed appropriate, student will wait patiently and quietly for staff to call Focus Room coordinator for availability. 4. When released by staff, report immediately to Focus Room with signed note. High School: signed point sheet; Middle School: focus room form. 5. If Focus Room is unavailable, student and staff will have hallway conference to problem solve next steps.
Earned by refusing to answer a redirect appropriately, earning four redirects in one class, returning from focus and resuming inappropriate behavior. 1. Student waits patiently and quietly in designated area for staff to call Focus Room coordinator for availability. 2. When released by staff with hall pass, students reports immediately to Focus Room with signed note. 3. If Focus Room is unavailable, student and staff have hallway conference to problem solve next steps.
Do need permission: 1. Go into Ms. B’s desk/personal items 2. Go into supply cabinets 3. Go to sink 4. Participate in reading station, computer station, or word wall 5. Leave room Do not need permission: 1. Get kleenex 2. Get supplies* 3. Sharpen pencil* * Please take care of at beginning of class, during small group or independent work times
1. Desk, supplies and personal property are private; you must have permission 2. Before “borrowing” anything from teacher’s desk area or supply cabinets, you need to ask permission 3. Be polite and return borrowed items back to owner in good condition, from where they came You may not sit at the desk, unless asked to do so
1. Cell phones: In cafeteria before announcements and during lunch 1. Check in with parent 2. Make ride arrangements 3. Discuss after school activities, appointments 2. Classroom phone: to be used only by teacher or with teacher permission 1. Notify administration, focus or counselor 3. Office phones: for emergencies only 1. Illness 2. parent phone call