Essential Questions - How do people make sense of their world? - Why do belief systems bring people together or pull them apart? - Are the world’s belief systems more similar than different? - What impact do belief systems have on society? How do belief systems shape the society and culture? - How do belief systems influence people’s ideas and in turn actions?
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Journal: - What’s going on in this image? - What do you SEE that makes you say that? - What MORE can you find?
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 1. Read the description highlighted on your paper. 2. That is the CASTE system YOU have been born into in India 3. Do the task assigned to your CASTE 1. Untouchables (street sweepers, bathroom cleaners) – sit on the floor, pick up all paper on the floor and follow the instructions of anyone of a higher caste. (No talking). 2. Sudras (commoners, peasants, servants) – stand in the back of the room and wait for someone from the Brahmin caste to assign you a task. (No talking). 3. Viasya (merchants, landowners) – claim a desk, sit and watch to make sure the sudras and untouchables are completing their tasks. (No talking). 4. Kshatryia (rulers, warriors) – rulers come up with at least THREE beliefs and rules for the class and get them approved by the Brahmins; warriors are responsible for enforcing the rules among the people. (No talking) 5. Brahmins (priests, religious leaders) – sit in the yellow chairs at the back of the room, don’t worry about getting up and you’re the only ones who can talk (people can only talk if you allow them to).
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 How did it feel to be a member of that caste?
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Writing Response: Imagine you are a Hindu, and that you have lived many lives before this one, and you will live at least four lives in the future. What caste would you currently be in and why? What will you do in this life and what caste will you be in the next? Where will you go after that, and again after that? (At least one page).
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 1. The highest class, called Brahmins, does which job? Merchants Priests Commoners Farmers 2. What are rulers and warriors called? Sudras Viasya Untouchables Brahmins 3. What are the merchants and landowners called? Sudras Viasya Untouchables Brahmins 4. What are commoners, peasants and servants called? Sudras Viasya Untouchables Brahmins 5. Which group in India is thought to be so low that they are not even considered a true social class? Sudras Viasya Untouchables Brahmins
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Step 7: Focused Research Due next class: ▪ at least 2 more index card notes Extra Credit: Vocabulary Flashcards Belief System’s Movie Review
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 What is your research question? Remember that your research question must lead to a response(s) that is debatable. Formulating questions that begin with “why”, “how”, and “what” (depending on the scope) generally lead to better research papers. Identify your research question: What are your three (3) possible responses to your question? Your responses should be based on your research and supported by ACTUAL evidence. What ideas are repeated?
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Step 9: Free Write Write a 1-page answer to the research question you’ve chosen. You should make sure that you include evidence and cite your sources.
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Step 3: Exploratory Research ▪ Example Index Card *REMEMBER: At this point you shouldn’t just be randomly taking down notes, but taking notes on the information that will help you complete your understanding of the questions you developed. Today: AT LEAST 2 INDEX CARDS
Lesson #7 Worksheet # Worksheet # Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Daily Question: How does Hinduism effect social structure in India? How do I answer my research question? Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Agenda: 1. VTS 2. Caste Simulation 3. Response 4. MC A. Step 8 B. Step 9 C. Step 7 Step 7: Focused Research Due next class: ▪ at least 2 more index card notes Extra Credit: Vocabulary Flashcards Belief System’s Movie Review