by Mrs. McRay 3 rd Grade Pioneer School Chickasha, OK
Your teacher expects you to: ▪ Follow the school rules ▪ Work hard ▪ Always do your best ▪ Treat others the way you want to be treated ▪ Respect yourself, others, and property Your teacher expects you to: ▪ Follow the school rules ▪ Work hard ▪ Always do your best ▪ Treat others the way you want to be treated ▪ Respect yourself, others, and property
What behaviors do we value in a classroom setting? Make a list. Don’t be mean Keep hand, feet, objects to yourself Respect property, NO stealing No bad words/mean words No toys at school No fighting or play fighting NO note passing Respect teacher and substitute NO gossip/rumors Be honest—NO cheating Participate in class What behaviors do we value in a classroom setting? Make a list. Don’t be mean Keep hand, feet, objects to yourself Respect property, NO stealing No bad words/mean words No toys at school No fighting or play fighting NO note passing Respect teacher and substitute NO gossip/rumors Be honest—NO cheating Participate in class Other ideas----
We will value one another as unique and special individuals. We all are a family in this classroom. We each have special talents and abilities. We all have inner and outer beauty. Respect each others abilities and weaknesses. We will value one another as unique and special individuals. We all are a family in this classroom. We each have special talents and abilities. We all have inner and outer beauty. Respect each others abilities and weaknesses.
We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns. Always speak kind words. Laugh only if you are laughing with a person. Don’t hurt others feelings. NO negative comments to others. Keep your words clean (if you can’t say it to me then don’t say it) We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns. Always speak kind words. Laugh only if you are laughing with a person. Don’t hurt others feelings. NO negative comments to others. Keep your words clean (if you can’t say it to me then don’t say it)
We will use good manners saying, “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me” and allow others to go first. Gentle touches---No hitting, kicking, bumping, poking, tapping others. Don’t touch things that don’t belong to you—respect classroom property and others property. No stealing! Say the THREE MAGIC WORDS often to your teacher and classmates. Let classmates go first. Examples: bathroom, water fountain, reading, during games, and other areas. We will use good manners saying, “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me” and allow others to go first. Gentle touches---No hitting, kicking, bumping, poking, tapping others. Don’t touch things that don’t belong to you—respect classroom property and others property. No stealing! Say the THREE MAGIC WORDS often to your teacher and classmates. Let classmates go first. Examples: bathroom, water fountain, reading, during games, and other areas.
#4. We will cheer each other to success. --Use words of encouragement and celebrations #5. We will help one another whenever possible. --Help on accidents, class instruction, procedures #6. We will recognize every effort and applaud it. --celebrations and individual praise. #4. We will cheer each other to success. --Use words of encouragement and celebrations #5. We will help one another whenever possible. --Help on accidents, class instruction, procedures #6. We will recognize every effort and applaud it. --celebrations and individual praise.
We will encourage each other to do our best. Do your best to learn. Always try your hardest. Be a good listener. Be a responsible student. We will encourage each other to do our best. Do your best to learn. Always try your hardest. Be a good listener. Be a responsible student.
We will practice virtuous living using the Life principles. WOW—Words of the Week build life-long character and good morals. Some examples: friendship, honesty, self-discipline, respect, integrity, responsibility, diligence, effort, gratitude, optimism, common sense, cooperation, empathy, flexibility, perseverance, and resiliency We will practice virtuous living using the Life principles. WOW—Words of the Week build life-long character and good morals. Some examples: friendship, honesty, self-discipline, respect, integrity, responsibility, diligence, effort, gratitude, optimism, common sense, cooperation, empathy, flexibility, perseverance, and resiliency
Each day I look for someone special. Someone who... Listens to directions Works hard Helps others Example to classmates Makes improvements in Math and Reading Each day I look for someone special. Someone who... Listens to directions Works hard Helps others Example to classmates Makes improvements in Math and Reading
There are procedures to everything in life!! --in the airport, transportation, dinner, etc. Each teacher does things a little differently. This is how I would like for things to run in my classroom. There are procedures to everything in life!! --in the airport, transportation, dinner, etc. Each teacher does things a little differently. This is how I would like for things to run in my classroom.
When sitting in your chair: Face forward Chair tucked under desk Backs straight Heads up ready to listen and learn All four legs of chair on the floor. Your feet on the floor. When sitting in your chair: Face forward Chair tucked under desk Backs straight Heads up ready to listen and learn All four legs of chair on the floor. Your feet on the floor.
Follow directions the first time. Listen to other teachers, coaches, and adults. When given an “Attention Getter” be ready to listen and follow directions. If you don’t hear it or forget the directions do these 3 things: 1.Use common sense and observations to find an answer. 2.Quietly ask a neighbor what to do. 3.Finally, raise hand to ask teacher if you still do not know. Follow directions the first time. Listen to other teachers, coaches, and adults. When given an “Attention Getter” be ready to listen and follow directions. If you don’t hear it or forget the directions do these 3 things: 1.Use common sense and observations to find an answer. 2.Quietly ask a neighbor what to do. 3.Finally, raise hand to ask teacher if you still do not know.
Put backpack in your locker. Walk into the room quietly. Bring folder in and put Homework or other notes in red pocket and put folder in basket. Bathroom drink break if needed. A.R. test and Library if needed. Sit down and do Morning Work quietly and A.R. read at desk until Warrior Wake-up. Put backpack in your locker. Walk into the room quietly. Bring folder in and put Homework or other notes in red pocket and put folder in basket. Bathroom drink break if needed. A.R. test and Library if needed. Sit down and do Morning Work quietly and A.R. read at desk until Warrior Wake-up.
Face forward and Voices OFF Arms by your sides or folded Use body space in between students Leader goes when told and stops at brown bar. Single file—right behind the person in front of you. NO BUMPS!! Stay on right side unless teacher leads for Fire/Tornado drill or assemblies. Face forward and Voices OFF Arms by your sides or folded Use body space in between students Leader goes when told and stops at brown bar. Single file—right behind the person in front of you. NO BUMPS!! Stay on right side unless teacher leads for Fire/Tornado drill or assemblies.
During class time you may go to the bathroom once in the morning and once in the afternoon. (unless we go as a group) Try to go before class, right after P.E. and lunch so you don’t interrupt your learning. Do not go when a teacher is instructing or during partner reading. Put the Germ-X on your desk and go quietly to the bathroom and return in 2 minutes. Then use the Germ-X and return it for next person. During class time you may go to the bathroom once in the morning and once in the afternoon. (unless we go as a group) Try to go before class, right after P.E. and lunch so you don’t interrupt your learning. Do not go when a teacher is instructing or during partner reading. Put the Germ-X on your desk and go quietly to the bathroom and return in 2 minutes. Then use the Germ-X and return it for next person.
You may get a drink when you go to bathroom. Try to do so before class, after P.E. and lunch or during class breaks. While taking a drink count to five then stop. Fill water bottles up before class and after lunch. If there is a line only fill up half way. Water bottles may be on desk after lunch. If you play with it or continually drop it you will loose the privilege of having it on your desk. You may get a drink when you go to bathroom. Try to do so before class, after P.E. and lunch or during class breaks. While taking a drink count to five then stop. Fill water bottles up before class and after lunch. If there is a line only fill up half way. Water bottles may be on desk after lunch. If you play with it or continually drop it you will loose the privilege of having it on your desk.
Only use loud electric sharpener before class, after lunch, or at end of day. You may use hand held sharpener during the day but not while teacher is talking. Make sure it has a lid on it. Do not play with the shavings. Empty often during transition times to avoid spills. Pencil sharpener will keep pencils sharpened each day. Only use loud electric sharpener before class, after lunch, or at end of day. You may use hand held sharpener during the day but not while teacher is talking. Make sure it has a lid on it. Do not play with the shavings. Empty often during transition times to avoid spills. Pencil sharpener will keep pencils sharpened each day.
If you... Have a question Have something to say Want to answer a question Need help with something If you don’t understand, raise your hand! I love helping you!!! If you... Have a question Have something to say Want to answer a question Need help with something If you don’t understand, raise your hand! I love helping you!!!
“Voices Off in 3, 2, 1!” --Gives you 3 seconds to stop what you are doing and listen. --Then FREEZE and look at the teacher. “Freeze” --Freeze in place and look at me. Call backs—respond to all call backs then be silent! “Voices Off in 3, 2, 1!” --Gives you 3 seconds to stop what you are doing and listen. --Then FREEZE and look at the teacher. “Freeze” --Freeze in place and look at me. Call backs—respond to all call backs then be silent!
Look over your work if you finish early. Make sure you did a good job. Make sure your name is at the top. 3 things to do when done: 1. A.R. read 2. Write a story 3. Practice spelling words or vocabulary words. Look over your work if you finish early. Make sure you did a good job. Make sure your name is at the top. 3 things to do when done: 1. A.R. read 2. Write a story 3. Practice spelling words or vocabulary words.
You are responsible for making sure you have your homework to take home and return it. Turn in the next day in your red pocket with your name on it, so you can play Homeworkopoly on Friday! Do your best—Always try! If you return late homework, it will be -5 points each day. Second day, you will stay in during P.E. or recess to complete. You are responsible for making sure you have your homework to take home and return it. Turn in the next day in your red pocket with your name on it, so you can play Homeworkopoly on Friday! Do your best—Always try! If you return late homework, it will be -5 points each day. Second day, you will stay in during P.E. or recess to complete.
I expect you to be on time and in class everyday. --Try not to miss. --I miss you when you are gone!! You have 2 days to complete missed classwork and homework. If you enter the classroom after 8:20 you will be counted tardy for the morning. Four tardies are considered 1 absence. I expect you to be on time and in class everyday. --Try not to miss. --I miss you when you are gone!! You have 2 days to complete missed classwork and homework. If you enter the classroom after 8:20 you will be counted tardy for the morning. Four tardies are considered 1 absence.
Gather Homework and graded papers when name or group is called. Straighten up desk and clear off the top. Clean floor—no pencils/paper/trash on floor. ---clean it even if it is NOT yours! When called, go to your locker for backpack. Immediately put folder and A.R. book in backpack. Sit in “SILENCE” or read until we line up. Gather Homework and graded papers when name or group is called. Straighten up desk and clear off the top. Clean floor—no pencils/paper/trash on floor. ---clean it even if it is NOT yours! When called, go to your locker for backpack. Immediately put folder and A.R. book in backpack. Sit in “SILENCE” or read until we line up.