Computer Programming 12 Mr. Jean February 5 th, 2014
The plan: Video clip of the day – u4http:// u4 Intro to Binary Intro to number systems
Introduction to Binary:
842 1 Base 2 x2 1 or 01 or 01 or 0 1 or 0 Binary
842 1 Base 2 x Binary
842 1 Base 2 x Binary
Base Binary
842 1 Base 2 x2 Binary Bit x2 Binary Digit =
Base 2 x2 Binary Byte x2
Introduction to Binary: Marble Counting Machine: WmhF4Ahttp:// WmhF4A Iagshttp:// Iags
KiloByte Megabyte Gigabyte TeraByte 1024 Bytes 1024 KiloBytes 1024 MegaBytes GigaBytes ,048,576 Bytes 1,073,741,824 Bytes 1,099,511,627,776 Bytes
Binary Video: m1GXVIhttps:// m1GXVI
Practice for Adding in Binary: Convert 20 to Binary Convert 12 to Binary Add the Two Binary Numbers together Convert 23 to Binary Convert 31 to Binary Add the Two Binary Numbers together Find the Binary and decimal answer 1. 2.
How to find 59? My first step is to find the largest power of 2 that is less than 59. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. Ok, 64 is larger than 59 so we take one step back and get is the largest power of 2 that is still smaller than 59. It can go in only once because 2 x 32 = 64 which is larger than 59. So, we write down a 1.
Now, we subtract 32 from 59: 59 – (1)(32) = 27. And we move to the next lower power of 2. In this case, that would be 16. How many full times can 16 go into 27? Once. So we write down another 1 and repeat the process. 1 1
27 – (1)(16) = 11. The next lowest power of 2 is 8. How many full times can 8 go into 11? Once. So we write down another – (1)(8) = 3. The next lowest power of 2 is 4. How many full times can 4 go into 3? Zero. So, we write down a
3 – (0)(4) = 3. The next lowest power of 2 is 2. –How many full times can 2 go into 3? –Once. So, we write down a – (1)(2) = 1. And finally, the next lowest power of 2 is 1. How many full times can 1 go into 1? Once. So, we write down a
To do: Complete the first side of the binary sheet – Complete Questions 1 and 2 Complete the “About Me” powerpoint Upcoming items: –Correcting Binary sheet –Adding and subtracting in binary