Allweddi Gwella Keys Priority 1: Enhancing Welsh Medium Learning and Teaching and effective collaborative provision through technology Priority 2: Explore and implement effective use of e-assessment and e-feedback within the full range of assessment methods to enhance learning Priority 3: Mainstreaming the presentation of electronic library resources through the virtual learning environment
Collaboration in Initial Teacher Education Training Technology Enhanced Learning Event Interactive WhiteBoard Desktop Video Conferencing Voting systems & AudioVisual Equipment Safe Assign Teaching through video conference –- Teaching through video conference North and Mid Wales Centre of Teacher Education Collaborative online course development & delivery
Welsh medium provision Y Porth – Collaborative modules and sharing of resources Y Porth Centre for Welsh Medium HE – staff development workshops Blackboard Development of Welsh Language Pack Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Turnitin and online marking Assessment: increased scope of workshops and one to one support Podcasting Discussion Boards Bb Assessment & Grade book Tests and Question Pools Audience Response Systems Audacity Enhanced Technical skills for academics
Benefit to students Feedback relating to the use of audience response systems “"VERY useful! Really helped in remembering concepts” “Useful in ensuring we were following the topic”
Media Focused Workshops Purchase of simple to use technology e.g. Flip cameras Digital voice recorders Less technology based training – more pedagogical application Lecture capture software Panopto Student Loan
Integrating Library Resources into Bb sites successful pilots in 2 modules “felt I must say a big thank you for the help in guiding us to the information available for the Globalisation module.” – student quote from blog Reading list proved to be most frequently used item in both modules Screencasts on how to use databases found to be “useful and easy to use” – quote from student focus group
Case Studies disseminate the wide range of assessment methods developed. Case Studies Assessment: pedagogic outcomes
Conclusion Changing priorities of workload – case studies Future Workshops less tool orientated – more assessment and feedback led. Lecture Capture Collaboration – Foundations for future developments…… Y Porth Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol