Marine Renewables and Offshore Wind Team Marine Scotland Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn) Lucy Law
7 Wonders of Sporran Marine Mammal Group Ornithology Group p s Fish Group Prioritise Evidence Needs Dissemination Coordinate & Collaborate Awareness of funding Update Knowledge Interact with RAGs Understand Research landscape
What is the Aim / Vision of the Framework? Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn) To provide a mechanism for collaborative and co-ordinated research to facilitate the sustainable development of the Offshore Renewable sector in Scotland and to use this research to better inform future plans and projects.
First of the seven wonders of sporran 1. Prioritising the Evidence Needs 2. Co-ordinated, joint working approach with other groups. 3. Understanding research landscape. 4. Explore funding opportunities Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn)
First seven wonders of sporran 5. Update the offshore renewable Sectoral plans for Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy 6. Collaborate with specialist Regional Advisory Groups. 7. Ensure new knowledge informs future decision making and is disseminated. Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn)
Second of the seven wonders of sporran 7 Specialist Research Groups
Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn) Specialist Groups Who? 1.Marine Scotland Science 2.Marine Scotland Policy 3.Relevant Sectoral participants. 4.Developer representation 5.Environmental Non Government Organisations 6.Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies 7.Academia Third of the seven wonders of sporran
Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn) Specialist Groups Doing What? 1.Identify and prioritise the evidence needs, creating an evidence map. 2.Highlight synergies with priorities in different areas. 3.Maintain awareness of research and funding landscape. 4.Encourage collaborative bids for funding. 5.Interact with other relevant groups including Post Consent Monitoring Groups. 6.Highlight where knowledge from research and post consent monitoring updates our current understanding. 7.Promote activity of the group. fourth of the seven wonders of sporran
Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn) Coordination Group Fifth of the seven wonders of sporran Who? 1.Marine Scotland Science 2.Marine Scotland Policy 3.Industry Group Representation 4.Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies 5.Academia 6.Other National Governments 7.The Crown Estate
Scottish Offshore Renewables Research frAmework (SpORRAn) Coordination Group Doing What? 1.Guide the strategic direction of SpORRAn and review success. 2. Sign off Renewables Research Strategy and evidence maps. 3. Formulate a strategic programme of work required to address priorities. 4. Look for synergies between the research required by different groups, their own organisational research and requirements from other marine policies. 5. Consider mechanisms to address priorities. 6. Design and implement mechanism to allow new knowledge generated to feed back into Sectoral Marine Plans for offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy and future decision making. 7. Promote the framework. Sixth of the seven wonders of sporran
seven wonders of sporran First 7 Strategic Objectives Second 7 Specialist Groups Third 7 types of group participant Forth 7 things to do Fifth 7 group participants for the coordination group Sixth 7 things to do Eighty percent of success is showing up. Woody Allen
To ensure the principle EIA and HRA consenting risks for early array developments in the wave and tidal sectors are addressed by facilitating a strategic, coordinated and prioritised approach to monitoring and research which is endorsed by industry, regulators and SNCBs. Aim of the ORJIP Ocean Energy Help those who fund research to do so effectively, efficiently bringing together knowledge and expertise. Make knowledge available, understood and acted upon. Funded secretariat to encourage action. Support project developers 15 month initial programme with funded secretariat.