DG Justice Grant-Financed Projects: Introduction
Legal base, policy context, policy priorities … Fundamental Rights & Citizenship Grant Funding Grant agreements = projects 42! (end of 2012) Call for proposals ( , expires March 2012) Award decision (autumn 2012, the rest Evaluation of proposals (256 proposals, summer 2012)
Commission: support control Beneficiary (-ies): objectives resources partnership stakeholders ? now Project Start ! 2 years later Project End & project objectives project results
Your Project's Legal Framework All projects shall be carried out in accordance with the following (in order of precedence): Grant Agreement concluded between the Beneficiary/ Coordinator (also on behalf of the Co-Beneficiaries) and the Commission, including its Annexes (and any amendments) Call for proposals and the related guide for applicants Management Guide (available on als_action_gran als_action_gran Note: Any other supplementary documents (contracts between the Beneficiary/Coordinator and subcontractors or staff or any other entities, agreements between the Beneficiary/Coordinator and the Co- Beneficiaries etc.) do not have any effect on the provisions of the legal framework above and cannot modify it with effect for the Commission
Kick-Off Meeting A day for the Commission to explain and for you to ask about anything that might have an impact on your projects over the next 2 years. Presentations by project officers, information about contact points. Questions and answers sessions foreseen (if possible after the relevant presentation) Materials will be posted online
Thank you!
Project Management Guide Corrigendum - Distributed to you together with the original document, kindly check the changes - Corrigendum dated 24/01/2013 (any downloads from the website prior to this date are not up-to- date, kindly download the new version)