CJ317: Computer Forensics Computer Forensics & career Dr. Joe Ciccone
Last Week Review Week 1 review Questions & Concerns Resource s & References Evaluation Focused Interaction, Questions, and Feedback Questions & Concerns
What type of IT Skills were there in 1965?
Last weeks Discussion - Overview Computer forensics is a field in which your reputation is critical. You will be handling sensitive information and may end up in court as a technical or expert witness. How can things such as a DUI, charges of domestic violence, and other items affect your career? What did you learn and feel about the interaction, why?
What did I have in this RMP in 1985? My Crime Lab?
Project I – 5-3 Case Project 5-3: A murder in a downtown office building has been widely publicized. You are a police detective and receive a phone call from a computer forensics investigator, Gary Owens, who says he has information that might relate to the murder case. Gary says he ran across a few files while investigating a policy violation at a company in the same office building. Considering the silver platter doctrine, what procedures might you, as a public official, have to follow?
Case Project 5-5 As a computing investigator for your local sheriff’s department, you have been asked to go with a detective to a local school that received a bomb threat in an anonymous e-mail. The detective already has information from a subpoena sent to the last know ISP where the anonymous e-mail originated, and the message was sent from a residence in the school neighborhood. The detective tells you that the school principle also stated that the school’s web server had been defaced by an unknown computer attacker. The detective has just obtained a warrant for the search and seizure of a computer at the residence that the ISP identified. Prepare a list of items that should be included in an initial response field kit to ensure that the preservation of computer evidence is maintained when the warrant is executed.
Technology Dependent Web-field Trips this week Computer Forensics Computer Security ASCLD (American Society of Crime Lab Directors) FOIA – US Dept. of State & the Freedom of Information Act YOUR STORIES from last weeks field trips
Can We Police Without Technology Today? Arguments for less technology intrusion in police work Return to foundations of police work Arguments for more technology inclusion into police work. COMPSTAT and Proactive Policing One more slide to go
Questions What do you have for me? Suggestions for next weeks Seminar?