Humans and the Biosphere
Hawaii Story of Hawaii in 1600 and the self –sufficient Polynesians New settlers of 1700s changed the landscape even farther Hawaii is very different from the islands the Polynesians settled
I. Earth as an Island A. In a sense we must think of Earth as an island just like Hawaii – 1. All living organisms share limited resources that affect our long-term survival B. In order to protect these much need resources we need to understand not only the natural ecological processes that sustain these materials but how we affect them as well
II. Human Activities A. Like all organisms humans participate in food webs and chemical cycles B. We depend on Ecological life-support – 1. For drinkable water, breathable air, fertile soil, and storage/recycling of nutrients B. Ecologists call these necessities “ecosystem goods and services” since they have so much value to us C. We need to be aware that human activities are changing local & global environments
II. Human Activities D. Among human activities that affect the biosphere are – 1. Hunting and gathering – 2. Agriculture – 3. Industry – 4. Urban development. E. Humans have become the most important source of environmental change on the planet
III. Hunting & Gathering A. For most of Human history, our ancestors obtained food by hunting & gathering – 1. Even though they made relatively few demands on the environment, scientists hypothesize that early humans changed the N. American environment greatly causing mass extinction B. Today groups are found throughout the world and still follow the hunter-gather way. – Most of them use some form of technology today
IV. Agriculture A. Began about 11,000 years ago after the Ice age. – 1. Gave humans a dependable food supply that could be produced in large quantities and stored – 2. Allowed the growth of stable communities – 3. Practiced monoculture – planted only one crop year to year – 4. Flourished after the invention of harvesting tools (green revolution)
V. Industrial Growth & Urban Development A. Industrial Revolution in the 1800s added machines & factories to our biosphere – 1. Provides us with the convenience of todays modern life B. Growth of Suburbs and Urban centers increased standard of living C. With all these new machines, we needed an energy source – 1. Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) provided this energy
VI. Controlling Effects of Human Activities Tragedy of the Commons Scientists worry about any resource that is “free”
VI. Controlling Effects of Human Activities A. Use of different resources: – 1. Renewable resource – can regenerate if they are alive and can be replenished by biogeochemical cycles if they are non living (not unlimited) Ex: trees, fresh water – 2. Nonrenewable resource – cannot be replenished by natural processes Ex: fossil fuels
VII. Charting a Course for the Future A. Researchers are gathering data to monitor and evaluate the effects of human activities on important systems in the biosphere B. 2 systems they are concentrating on now are the – Ozone Layer – Global Climate System