18 September 2013 Questions Trivia: These happen on Fridays between 9am and 11am more than any other time. What are they? Health: What makes you angry & stressed? What do you do when you are angry or stressed? What bodily changes occur when you are angry or stressed?
Lesson 10 Expressing Emotions & Managing Stress
Objectives Students will be able to... –1) Explain the mind-body connection. –2) Outline guidelines for expressing emotions in healthful ways. –3) Discuss hidden anger, anger cues, and anger- management skills. –4) Explain the bodily changes caused by stress during each of the three stages of the general adaption syndrome. –5) Explain ways that prolonged stress can affect health. –6) Identify life changes that are most stressful for teens. –7) List & discuss stress-management skills.
The Mind-Body Connection The relationship between a person's thoughts, emotions, and bodily responses. Emotions –A specific feeling. What to Know About the Mind-Body Connection –Psychosomatic Disease: A physical illness or disorder that is caused or aggravated by emotional responses.Psychosomatic Disease
Expressing Emotions in Healthful Ways 1) Identify the emotion –What emotion am I experiencing? 2) Identify the source of the emotion. –Why do I feel this way? 3) Decide whether or not you need to respond right away. –Should I talk to a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult? –Should I try to sort out my emotions by myself? –How might my parent, guardian, or mentor respond? –Do I need more information before I respond? How do I get that information? –If I respond based on the way I am feeling right now, will I regret it later on? –Do I need to rehearse what I will say before I respond?
Expressing Emotions in Healthful Ways (continued) 4) Choose a responsible & healthful response –Would it be helpful if I discuss my feelings with somebody? –Would it be helpful to express my emotions by writing in a journal or other form or writing? 5) Protect Your Health –Do I need extra sleep? Am I sleeping too much? –Do I need to work off my strong emotions with exercise? –Do I need to dissipate my strong emotions by spending time with family & friends? –Am I aware of any physical disorders caused by my emotions? –Am I able to function in daily activities? –What healthful outlets can I use to help me deal with my emotions? –How might I deal with this emotion in the future?
Angry Feelings Anger – The feeling of being irritated or annoyed Anger Trigger –A thought or event that causes a person to become angry. Anger Cue –A body change that occurs when a person is angry.
What to Know About Hidden Anger & Hostility Hidden Anger –Anger that is not recognized and is expressed in inappropriate ways. –Being negative, making cruel remarks, being sarcastic, procrastinating or blowing up easily might all be signs of hidden anger. Hostility –The chronic state of anger Serotonin –The chemical that is involved in controlling states of consciousness & mood. Projection –Blaming others for actions or events for which they are not responsible. Displacement –The releasing of anger on someone other than the cause.
Symptoms of Anger Rapid breathing Increased heart rate Rise in blood pressure Increased sweating from sweat glands in the face Sweaty palms Dryness of the mouth Increased alertness Decreased sensitivity to pain Increased muscle strength as a result of increased availability of blood sugar to the muscles. Tensed eyebrows Pursed lips Reddening of the face
Anger Management Skills Healthful ways to control & express anger. –Keep an anger self-inventory –Use self-statements to control anger. –Use I-messages instead of you-messages. –Write a letter –Write in a journal –Reduce the effects of anger with physical activity –Use other safe physical actions to blow off steam. –Breathe Deeply –Keep a sense of humor –Rehearse what to do in situations that you know are anger triggers. –Talk with a parent, guardian, or mentor.
Group Work Article Reviews
Stress The response of the body to the demands of daily living Stressor: A source or cause of stress Eustress: a healthful response to a stressor Distress: A harmful response to a stressor
The General Adaption Syndrome (GAS) A series of bodily changes that result from stress. 3 stages –Alarm Stage –Resistance Stage –Exhaustion Stage
Alarm Stage The first stage of the GAS, in which the body gets ready for action. –During this stage, adrenaline is secreted into the bloodstream. Adrenaline: The hormone that prepares the body to react during times of stress of in an emergency. –Fight-or-flight stage (either ready for action or ready to run) –The following bodily changes occur in the alarm stage: pupils dilate to improve vision, hearing sharpens, saliva decreases, heart reate and blood pressure increase to stimulate blood flow to muscles, bronchioles dilate to increase oxygen supply to muscles, muscles tighten.
Resistance Stage The second stage in the GAS in which the body attempts to regain internal balance. No longer in the emergency state. Adrenaline is no longer secreted. The following bodily changes occur: pupils constrict, hearing is normal, saliva increases, heart rate and blood pressure decrease, bronchioles constrict, intestinal secretions increase to normal, blood flow to muscles decreases, and muscles relax.
Exhaustion Stage First two stages are normal and healthful The exhaustion stage is the third stage of the GAS in which wear and tear on the body increase the risk of injury, illness, and premature death.
How Stress Affects Health Status Stress and Mental/Emotional Health –Prolonged stress makes it difficult for you to think clearly & concentrate. –If it is not managed healthfully, it can cause more stress. –Increased the risk of depression, physical illness, ulcers, headaches, stomachaches. –Acne & asthma are aggravated by stress.
How Stress Affects Health Status Stress & Family/Social Health Stress & Growth/Development –Difficulties adjusting to bodily changes. –Can cause eating disorders.
Stress & Nutrition Important to eat healthfully & regularly when stressed. Secreting adrenaline causes your body to use up its supply of vitamins B & C. That must be replentished. Caffeine can cause more nervousness & stress. Increase salt consumption causes your body to maintain weight. This can cause your blood pressure to increase, which can lead to heart disease or other CVDs. Increasing consumption of refined sugar (sweets) can increase your body's production of insulin, which can lead to energy loss.
Stress & Personal Health/Physical Activity Stress & Alcohol, Tobacco, & other drug use. Stress & Communicable/Chronic Diseases Stress & Consumer/Community Health Stress & Environmental Health Stress & Injury Prevention/Personal Safety Complete Stress Scale
Stress-Management Skills Techniques to prevent and deal with stressors and to protect one's health from the harmful effects produced by the stress response.
How to Prevent & Deal with Stressful Situations Use Responsible Decision Making Skills Keep a time-management plan Keep a budget Talk with parents, a guardian, a mentor, or other responsible adults. Make sure you have a support network of friends
How to Protect Health During Stressful Periods Participate in physical activity. Write in a journal Use breathing techniques Eat a healthful diet Get plenty of rest & sleep