Stress Assessment & Management Techniques
Learning Outcomes Define the terms stress, stressor, eustress & distress. Explain the role of stress in maintaining health. Identify the major sources of stress in your life.
Learning Outcomes Describe some time-management skills. Explain the role of physical exercise in reducing stress. Describe & learn to use various stress-management techniques.
What is Stress?
Key Terms What is a Stressor Can People react to stress differently? What is Eustress? What is Distress?
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 6 The Mind/Body Connection The brain Most important part of nervous system All organs will sacrifice to keep the brain alive Controls voluntary and involuntary functions Cognitive center of body Brain produces mixture of emotions and physical responses
Adrenaline: Fight or Flight Response
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 8 Coping With Stress Fight-or flight mechanism Hormonal changes Physiological changes
General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm Reaction Resistance Exhaustion/Recovery
Chronic distress raises the risk for many health disorders. Name some
Health Disorders
What is Homeostasis?
stressors for college women?
Different in men?
Common Stressors in the life of a college student © Cengage PublishingLPFW 15
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 16 Perceptions and Health Explanatory style Pessimism Optimism
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 17 Self-Esteem Way of viewing and assessing yourself Positive self-esteem Negative self-esteem Powerful determinant of health
How do you react to stress?
People with Anger & Hostility are at Higher Risk for Disease What are the tips to manage anger? 1.
How can we change a Type A Personality?
What is Type C Personality? Why?
Personality D New Research is The D stands for distressed
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 23 Time Management Signs of poor time management
before taking a test that I did study Before During RTFQ
The best place to study is a quiet place Yes No Research
Five Steps to Time Management Step 1 What are your time killers?
Step 2 What are your immediate goals? Prioritize them for today and this week.
Step 3 What are your long & short range goals?
Step 4
In addition to the five management steps, these can make better use of your time
How do we cope with stress? What is number one?
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 32 Relaxation Techniques Progressive relaxation
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 33 Relaxation Techniques Breathing techniques
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 34 Relaxation Techniques Visual imagery
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 35 Relaxation Techniques Meditation
© Cengage PublishingLPFW 36 Relaxation Techniques Yoga
Which Techniques are Best?