NIAM/APRIL/UCL meeting, 8-9 January 2009 ‘Reducing the environmental impacts of transport with behavioural change’ Type of measure Example Instruments Regulation Market instrument Information Public investment End-of-pipeCatalystELV Emission tax Behavioural change Downsizing cars ELV on CO2 emissions Tax on CO 2 emissions Advertising, labelling Investment in public vehicle fleet Demand management Building insulation Regulation on energy efficiency standards Economic incentives for investment Information on electricity reduction potential Investment in public buildings Improved energy conv. efficiency Condensing gas boiler Required in the UK Tax on CO 2 emissions Consumer advice Investment in public facilities Energy supply and use mix From coal and oil to renewables Prescription of renewable share REFIT (Ren. Feed In Tariff) Consumer advice Ren. energy in public buildings
NIAM/APRIL/UCL meeting, 8-9 January 2009 ‘Reducing the environmental impacts of transport with behavioural change’ Presentations: Framework issues arising when assessing behavioural change measures A London perspective Behavioural change in the transport sector -the case of Sweden Difficulties and limits in assessing the costs of the German truck toll system The Mayor’s air quality strategy Effect of CO 2 -based car registration tax on traffic PM 2.5 emissions in Finland and future NTMs Congestion charging impacts in London Behavioural measures and the modelling process–setbacks and steps forward Policy scenarios to meet Germany's GHG reduction targets Developing a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport “Politicians, make up your minds!” Assessing policy costs and benefits Spanish and Holland perspective Breakout sessions: Downsizing and speeding Modal change and reduced transport demand
NIAM Meeting held at IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria April 2009 Hosted by IIASA in conjunction with their meeting of the EC Life project, EC4MACS Presentations/discussions: Revision of the NEC and of the Gothenburg Protocol New developments based on GAINS, addressing a wide range of efficiency, fuel switching and other measures Dutch baseline projections IAM in Italy covering both technical and NTM at a regional level UK compare national projections with GAINS, with greater differences for PM 2.5 Role of behavioural change in NTM measures: proposal for a website compiling information on non-technical measures Discussion on the TREMOVE model JRC Ispra plans to develop regional IAM tools Potential for trading emissions from shipping Swedish activities with GAINS Use of multi-criteria decision making techniques for broader consideration of ammonia abatement strategies Initial work in the Czech Republic Other: submission of national emission projections, proposal for a COST action to support NIAM networking, and possible future NIAM activities