Presented to:Bellefontaine City Schools RECOGNIZING TEACHING EXCELLENCE [insert district logo]
Ohio TIF Collaboration Five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education Twenty-four participating Ohio districts Collaborative effort among districts, the Ohio Department of Education and Battelle for Kids
Ohio TIF Goals All students graduate from high school college- and career-ready Achieve nation’s highest college attendance and completion rates Eliminate achievement gaps among under- represented student groups [insert district photo]
Ohio TIF opportunities Define what it means to be an effective educator Utilize quality, reliable data to inform instructional practices Enhance evaluation systems for principals and teachers Design award programs that recognize educators for contributions to student achievement Make data-driven decisions about professional development opportunities
Recognizing Excellence A core component of Ohio TIF is developing and implementing strategic compensation award models.TIF district award models align to district work, mission and educational improvement goals with shared key elements: 1. Student outcomes -student achievement data measures student performance at a single point in time -student growth data measures gain over time 2. Fair evaluation systems 3.Multiple measures inform student learning 4.Recognition of leadership and differentiated roles
BCS TIF award models In May 2011, Bellefontaine City Schools submitted a draft TIF award model to ODE and BFK The award model was designed with collaborative process: TIF Steering Committee District TIF Coordinator Staff throughout district Award model pending approval from U.S. Department of Education
Eligibility All Certified Staff are Eligible to Participate in TIFF 1. Fostering Leadership Participating member of the DLT, BLT, Focus Team or TBT -$ Positive Teacher Evaluation Tier 1A & 1B and Tier 2A,2B- $ Increasing Instructional Capacity Through Professional Development Complete Battelle For Kids Online Formative Assessment Modules- $ PD that promotes Collaboration- $ l a. Trainer for Staff
Eligibility 3. Recognizing Student Achievement -Excellent Building -$ Performance Index of 100 or 3 point growth- $ Recognizing Student Growth -Teacher Value Added Report & Attendance (4-8 only) - $ District has Positive Value Added- $500.00
Timeline School year : Baseline data gathered for the TIF program through Terra Nova and ACT End-of- Course Exams Will establish baseline data against which improvement in future years will be measured School year : Data collected throughout the year to measure progress against the goals established in our TIF model
Timeline Year 2 Award Model Enhancement Award model will be enhanced for Year 2 of the grant The TIF steering committee and members of the community will continue to work collaboratively on the new model
Five Year Journey Collaborative process- important for everyone to feel ownership For more information about the BCS TIF Program, contact Kristy Mount, Shanel Henry, or Christine Galvin TIF Coordinators.