Rom. 12:1-8
God created the world, and it was good, and for our benefit Yet we can harm ourselves – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 We are to use our bodies to serve God – Rom. 6:12-14 How are you treating what the Lord has given you? – Luke 16:10-12
A Christian is to be of sound judgment – 1 Thess. 5:5-8 Do not let a substance hold power over you – 1 Cor. 6:12-14 Remember, anything that would be first in your life above God is an idol
We will influence those around us, for good or ill What example are we following? What example are we setting? – Phil. 3:17-21 Consider: is this going to help me in the work of saving souls? – 1 Cor. 10:23-33
Drugs, be they legal or illicit, natural or man- made, exist for a reason. It may be positive- to ease pain, reduce stress, etc. But it may be negative. Be careful what you put in the body God has given you! Take any & all risks into consideration!