TO GOD BE THE GLORY To God be the glory, great things he hath done! So loved he the world that he gave us his Son, Who yielded his life an atonement for sin, And opened the lifegate that all may go in. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear his voice! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done!
O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear his voice! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, And give him the glory, great things he hath done!
ACTS 14 MARKS OF A FAITHFUL SERVANT God’s Witnesses to the World (Growing, Glowing, Going )
INTRODUCTION Acts 14 concludes the 1 st missionary journey, picking up the missionaries in Iconium and returning them by the end of the chapter to Antioch of Syria. Acts 14 concludes the 1 st missionary journey, picking up the missionaries in Iconium and returning them by the end of the chapter to Antioch of Syria. This chapter represents the first foray of the gospel into raw pagan territory where superstition and superstitious behavior prevailed. This chapter represents the first foray of the gospel into raw pagan territory where superstition and superstitious behavior prevailed.
Rejection in Iconium (1-7) The conversions (1) The conversions (1) The confirmations (3) The confirmations (3) The contrast (4) The contrast (4) The conspiracy (2, 5-7) The conspiracy (2, 5-7)
Rebellion in Lystra (8-20) The cripple (8) The cripple (8) The command (9-10) The command (9-10) The confusion (11-14) The confusion (11-14) The correction (15-18) The correction (15-18) The conspiracy (19-20) The conspiracy (19-20)
Review in Galatia (21-25) They strengthen everyone in the churches (22) They strengthen everyone in the churches (22) They select elders for the churches (23-25) They select elders for the churches (23-25)
Report in Antioch (26-28) They report to their home church (26-27) They report to their home church (26-27) They remained (for a long time) in their home church (28) They remained (for a long time) in their home church (28)
We should learn from and imitate Paul and Barnabas as faithful servants of Christ, no matter what the cost. A faithful servant courageously keeps on proclaiming the gospel in spite of persecution. (1- 7, 19-21) A faithful servant courageously keeps on proclaiming the gospel in spite of persecution. (1- 7, 19-21) A faithful servant points people to the living God, not himself. (8-18) A faithful servant points people to the living God, not himself. (8-18) A faithful servant strengthens and encourages other disciples, especially regarding the role of trials in the Christian life. (22) A faithful servant strengthens and encourages other disciples, especially regarding the role of trials in the Christian life. (22)
A faithful servant helps churches to be organized under godly leadership. (23) A faithful servant helps churches to be organized under godly leadership. (23) A faithful servant is accountable to those who sent him into ministry. (26-27) A faithful servant is accountable to those who sent him into ministry. (26-27) A faithful servant gives the glory to God for what He does through him. (27) A faithful servant gives the glory to God for what He does through him. (27) A faithful servant knows when to recharge his spiritual batteries. (28) A faithful servant knows when to recharge his spiritual batteries. (28)