facebook The Miserable Mill is a very good book in a very series. Want to read it?? WallPhotosFlairBoxesMiserable MillLogout View photos of Miserable Mill(5) Send Miserable Mill a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Harper Collions Birthday: 2000 Genre: Realist Fiction Audience: All ages Hometown: New York Friends KlausSunnyCount Olaf Mr. poe Violet Sally Armstrong An okay Book yeah right that was awesome!!!!!!!!!! June 31, Borders Borders Book Store Pick up a copy of this book at our nearest retailer and read about the amazing story about a group of kids running away from a guy. October 1, 2001 New York Times This is an incredible book! Love it but not going on Best Seller but just a little more people buy it then we will! June 11, 2001 Lemony Snicket is finshied with his October 28, 2000 Lemony Snicket is almost finished everybody! It’s coming soon! September 9, 1999 Lemony Snicket is working on a new book! April 17, 1987
Personal Information facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesMiserable MillLogout View photos of Miserable Mill (5) Send Miserable Mill a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Networks: Baudelaire Genre: Realist Fiction Birthday: 2000’s Hometown: New York Relationship Status: A Series of Unfortunate Events Audience: All Ages Activities: Running Away from Count Olaf Interests: Reading, Biting, and Inventing stuff Favorite Music: Chase Music Favorite Movies: A series of Unfortunate Events Favorite TV Shows: Rachel Ray, Dr. Phil, and Invention Favorite Books: The Austere Academy The Mill Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums The Eye doctors Updated two months ago About Me About Me: I’m a good book about three kids who’s parents die in a fire and have to live with lots of our relatives. Count Olaf follows the kids where ever they go to get all of the money from the kids. The kids go to a mill to live with their uncle Sir. Klaus gets hypnotized and gets people hurt but then they find out that Count Olaf and one of his helpers did it to Klaus. But the girls find it out before they kill a worker at the mill. So they catch Count Olaf and his helper, but before they can send him to jail they throw a book out of a window and jump through the hole in it. And the kids have to go somewhere else and try to keep away from the horrible Count Olaf. The Miserable Mill is a very good book in a very good series. Want to read it?? Networks: Harper Collions Birthday: 2000 Genre: Realist Fiction Audience: All Ages Hometown: New York
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesThe Miserable MillLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Miserable Mill 7 Photos Miserable Mill 2 Photo Alums The Mill 5 photos The Kids 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo The Miserable Mill is a very good book in a very good series. Want to read it??