COP 2800 Lake Sumter State College Mark Wilson, Instructor
Birth and Death of Objects
The Stack All Methods Local variables First In Last Out queue The Heap All Objects Instance variables Conceptual pile
Public static void main() { dostuff(); } Public void doStuff() { foo(); } Public void foo(){ bar(); } Public void bar(){ // code here }
Java has two main areas of memory: Stack Heap Instance variables are declared Inside a class but, Outside any method Instance variables live on the heap Local variables are declared Inside a method Inside a method parameter Local variables live on the stack Object reference variables work like primitive variables Objects live on the heap regardless of where the reference variable lives
Declare a reference variable Either class or interface type Thang aFooBar = new Thang(); Create an Object Object goes on the heap Thang aFooBar = new Thang(); Link object to reference variable Assign object to the reference Thang aFooBar = new Thang();
Looks like a method call… Thang aFooBar = new Thang(); But it’s not… It’s a constructor Every class has a constructor Supplied by the programmer Supplied by the compiler Runs before object is assigned to a reference variable No return type Must have the same name as the class public Thang (){ // there be constructor code here }
public class Thang { private int answerToLife; public Thang () { setAnswer(42); } public void setAnswer (int newAnswer) { answerToLife = newAnswer; } public int getAnswer () { return answerToLife; } public class doThang { public static void main (String[] args) { Thang aThang = new Thang(); System.out.println ( “The answer to life, the universe and everything” + aThang.getAnswer()); }
public class Thang { private int answerToLife; public Thang (int anAnswer) { setAnswer(anAnswer); } public void setAnswer (int newAnswer) { answerToLife = newAnswer; } public int getAnswer () { return answerToLife; } public class doThang { public static void main (String[] args) { Thang aThang = new Thang(42); System.out.println ( “The answer to life, the universe and everything” + aThang.getAnswer()); }
public class Thang { private int answerToLife; public Thang () { setAnswer(42); } public Thang (int anAnswer) { setAnswer(anAnswer); } public void setAnswer (int newAnswer) { answerToLife = newAnswer; } public int getAnswer () { return answerToLife; } public class doThang { public static void main (String[] args) { Thang aThang = new Thang(42); System.out.println ( “The answer to life, the universe and everything” + aThang.getAnswer()); }
Constructor Runs when new is used on a class type Must have the same name as the class Can’t have a return type Initializes state May be overloaded Instance variables are initialized 0/0.0/false/null by default
Compiler adds a default (no arg) constructor If you add a constructor, the compiler won’t add the default Always add a default constructor and supply reasonable default values Overloaded constructors means there is more than one Overloaded constructors must have different argument lists Two constructors can’t have the same argument list Argument list includes order and types
Objects inherit everything from its superclasses Object gets space for all the inherited elements All the constructors in an object’s inheritance tree must run when the object is created Process of calling parent constructors is called constructor chaining
super() puts the superclass constructor on the stack super() must be the first call in the constructor super() is added by the compiler if it isn’t there super() is added to each overloaded constructor if it isn’t there super() can include arguments to invoke overloaded constructors in the superclass
this() invokes an overloaded constructor from another constructor this() refers to the current object constructors this() can only be called from a constructor this() must be the first statement in a constructor this() can’t be used in a constructor that calls super()
Depends on the life of the reference variable Local variable only lives within the time the method is on the stack Instance variable lives as long as it’s object does Life is not the same as scope Object lives as long as there is a live reference to it Unreferenced objects may continue to exist Can’t be accessed Candidate for garbage collection
Reference goes out of scope permanently Reference is assigned to another object Reference is explicitly set to null
Reference goes out of scope permanently Reference is assigned to another object Reference is explicitly set to null public class DuckPen{ public void foo () { bar(); } public void bar () { Duck d = new Duck(); }
Reference goes out of scope permanently Reference is assigned to another object Reference is explicitly set to null public class DuckPen{ Duck d = new Duck(); public void foo () { d = new Duck(); }
Reference goes out of scope permanently Reference is assigned to another object Reference is explicitly set to null public class DuckPen{ Duck d = new Duck(); public void foo () { d = null; }