Project Team: Nicholas Parrott, Erick Janampa ECE Faculty Advisor: Dr. John R. LaCourse Current Date: October 28, 2010 Project Completion Date: April, 2010 Instrumented Workboot
Problem Background Health problems related to entering and exiting industrial sized trucks and equipment. Solution: Develop an Instrumented Workboot Generate meaningful data for medical professionals
Project Definition The goal of this project is to develop an instrumented work boot that will measure and record impact forces and trajectories associated with foot contact.
Specific Design Objectives Input x(t) Data Collection Signal Analysis Graphical Display Output y(t)
Implementation Block Diagram of System Implementation
Part 1: Data Collection Force Sensing Resistors (FSR’s) Accelerometer Amplification A/D Converter
Force Sensor Driver Circuit
Part 2: Signal Analysis Sampling Analog Digital Microcontroller ADC/Memory
Part 3: Graphical User Interface To display collected data User-friendly Three Force vs. Time graphs Real time display
Part 3: Graphical User Interface Expected Output of Force vs. Time
Testing Determining the placement of the sensors Data measured and recorded when user steps down Calibration Analog vs. Digital
Estimated Timeline – Fall Semester
Estimated Timeline – Spring Semester
Budget Projection Budget Estimates Item(s)Cost Sensor Package$117 Monolithic Op Amp (Driver Circuit)$0.44 9v Battery$2 Microcontroller and Components$50 Work Boots$75 Total Cost$244.44