Structure of Matter Analyze what makes up matter Compare the different models of an atom.


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Presentation transcript:

Structure of Matter Analyze what makes up matter Compare the different models of an atom.

Structure of Matter Define matter anything that has _________ and takes up space mass

Structure of Matter What is matter?  air is matter  water is matter  most of the things you see, taste, smell, and touch are made of matter

Structure of Matter What isn’t matter?  light  heat  thoughts, feelings, ideas these things have no mass, nor do they take up space

Structure of Matter What makes up matter? atoms

Structure of Matter Define atom a particle that makes up most types of ___________ matter

Structure of Matter Can matter be made or destroyed? matter is not _________ nor ___________, it just changes into a different form this is the law of conservation of matter created destroyed

Before Lavoisier, people used to think _________ could appear and disappear. Structure of Matter matter

Structure of Matter What was Dalton’s model of an atom? the atomic theory of matter: each type of matter was made of only _________ of atom one kind

Structure of Matter How small is an atom? 1 million lined up in a row would be as thick as a human hair (too small to be seen by a classroom microscope)

Structure of Matter What is an electron? invisible particles of an atom with negative charges

Structure of Matter What was Thomson’s model of an atom? Thomson thought an atom was a ball of ______________ with negatively charged electrons in it positive charges

Structure of Matter What was Rutherford’s model of an atom? Rutherford’s model included a ________ with protons inside and electrons around the nucleus nucleus

Structure of Matter Define nucleus positively charged, central part of an atom

Structure of Matter Define proton ___________ charged particles in the nucleus of an atom positively

Structure of Matter How was the neutron discovered? James Chadwick, a student of Rutherford, discovered neutral particles that gave the nucleus more mass

Structure of Matter Define neutron neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom

Structure of Matter What was Bohr’s model of an atom? Bohr’s model indicated that electrons traveled in paths around the nucleus (lowest energy levels closest to the nucleus)

Structure of Matter Modern Atomic Model Electrons travel in an electron cloud rather than in paths

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