LINE is an element of art
What would you have without LINES?
Not much.
A line is a moving dot. It has length. It is essentially one dimensional.
Line defines shape contours outline structure Pacific Alex Colville
Characteristic of Line are: Width- thick, thin, tapering, uneven Untitled Jackson Pollock eview.jpg
Characteristics of Line are: Length - long, short, continuous, broken ml
Characteristics of Line are: Direction- horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curving, perpendicular, oblique, parallel, radial, zigzag Horse and Train Alex Colville
Characteristics of Line are: Focus- sharp, blurry, fuzzy, choppy The Scream Eduard Munch
Characteristics of Line are: Feeling- sharp, jagged, graceful, smooth Pap4134 David Endleman
And then we have TYPES of Line
Types of Line: For example: Outlines
Types of Line: Contour Lines
Types of Line: Gesture lines
Types of Line: Sketching lines
Types of Line: Calligraphic lines
Types of Line: Implied line
Lines suggest MASS and VOLUME
How HEAVY is this horse?
Line An essential element of art