Open ended intergovernmental working group on the right scale or scope of an element UNESCO Headquarters 22 and 23 October 2012 Room XI, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Discussion paper ‘Right’ for what context? Elements of intangible cultural heritage in inventorying, listing, safeguarding and raising awareness Maria Cecilia Londres Fonseca
Eduard Hildebrant. Largo de Santa Rita. Rio de Janeiro
‘Right’ element as intangible cultural heritage In conformity with Article 2 of the 2003 Convention Recognized by tradition bearers Priority for elements that are not subject to other protection systems
Appropriateness in the elaboration of the nominations Not ‘cultural facts’ but ‘constructions’ Processes and not products Do not correspond necessarily to the perception of bearers Requirement for free, prior and informed concent
‘Right’ for different geopolitical and cultural contexts Local – recognized by bearers as important references for their identity National – important references to the historical and cultural formation of the State International – contribution to the promotion of cultural diversity
‘Right’ in the context of safeguarding Inventories (Art. 11 & 12) Representative List (Art. 16) Urgent Safeguarding List (Art. 17) Best Safeguarding Practices (Art.18)
‘Right’ in the context of inventories Tool with inclusive nature Participation of bearers concerned Inclusion of sufficient information and documentation Participation of all the countries concerned in case of multinational inventories
‘Right’ in the context of the Representative List Inscription that resonates for the national society New meaning added to the elements already inscribed on the Representative List Target public that can benefit from inscription
‘Right’ in the context of the Urgent Safeguarding List Necessity of urgent safeguarding demonstrated Contour of element well-defined Safeguarding plan elaborated with the participation of bearers
‘Right’ in the context of Best Safeguarding Practices Feasibility of applying actions in other geopolitical and cultural contexts Indications of the positive effects Reproducibility of practices Can stimulate initiatives appropriate for local situations
Conclusions The right scope or scale for one context is not appropriate in another context Management capacity by bearers Benefit for the communities