„THE WINNERS AMONG THE LOSERS“: THE POST - COMMUNIST SITUATION AT THE GLANCE OF BP6 PROMETEA PROJECT CONTEXT Assoc. Prof. Virginija Šidlauskienė Institute for Gender Studies of Šiauliai University Knowledge, Institutions and Gender: an East-West Comparative Study The politics of knowing: research, institutions and gender in the making 27-28th November, 2008, Prague
WOMEN'S CAREERS IN S&T IN LITHUANIA Why women are underrepresented in S&T fields of research? HERITAGE: fomer Soviet ideology promoted gender ideology, but not gender awareness
GENDER AND DEMOCRATIZATION The Baltic States governments have made a clear political choice by selecting an expert-bureaucratic model against participatory- democratic model, for implementing gender equality policies and gender mainstreaming as a part of human development and democratization
COMPARISION OF R&TD SYSTEMS IN BALTICS R&TD systems are organized and functioning in a similar way (some differences caused by strategic policy decisions in the 90’ties) After accession to EU the RTD systems are moving to the common EU model
COMPARISION OF R&TD SYSTEMS IN BALTICS Soviet heritage: - Fundamental and applied research in Academies of Sciences - Research separated from HE, technological research institutes were under subordination of sectoral ministries (narrow specialization)
COMPARISION OF R&TD SYSTEMS IN BALTICS Main RTD developments were subordinated by military-industrial complex of SU RTD priorities were: math, physics, chemistry Only GOV sector of RTD Research institutes (some HE institutions) in close relations with the economy entities under contracts
R&TD REFORM AFTER 1990 Gender equality in LT RTD Soviet system as propaganda statement BUT well developed social security and child care facilities system were developed by poor economic resources
MAJOR CHANGES AFTER 1990 The main Laws on Science & Studies were adopted Too large & non-balanced system inhereted, difficult economical situation International evaluation of RTD Reform of RTD infrastructure-increase competitive research funding, reorganizing sector of institutes, HE autonomy, high expand international contacts, cooperation Still week collaboration RTD-BUS
THE RECENT POLITICAL EVENTS WITH MAJOR INFLUENCE ON RESEARCH POLICY IN LITHUANIA National Lisbon Strategy Implementation Programme for Provisions of the LT S&T White Paper to implement Strategy Long-Term RTD Strategy & a Programme
THE RECENT POLITICAL EVENTS WITH MAJOR INFLUENCE ON RESEARCH POLICY IN LITHUANIA 2006 updated the Programme for the Development of High Technologies 2007 revised Priority Trends for R&ED BUT not made real prioritization of any TRD fields 2007 foresight study of national economy were started for priority RTD trends
LEGAL ACTS RELATED TO GENDER EQUALITY The Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, 1998 (amended in 2004) The Law on Equal Opportunities adopted in 2004 NAP on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men NAP aims to integrate gender equality in education and research systems
IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS EU Framework programmes Structural Funds programming period Atoption of Strategy “Development of Gender Equality in Science and Research”, 2008
COMMON PROBLEMS IN POST- COMMUNIST under representation of women in sciences and research high under-representation of women in exact sciences and technologies a large gender disproportion in the highest academic and scientific management levels
COMMON PROBLEMS IN ALL 5 COUNTRIES bigger average salaries for men researchers in comparison to women researchers no evidence for improvement of this situation
BARRIERS IN WOMEN'S SCIENTIFIC CAREERS IN S&T IN THE BALTIC STATES A path to science Scientific achievements and work environment Work and family balance
PARTICIPATION IN DECISION MAKING BODIES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS Administrative positions and scientific careers A position of leadership Gender and administrative work
SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF GENDER INEQUALITY IN S&T Recognition of gender inequality in scientific community Policy actions for encouraging women's active participation in S&T Grants and scholarships for the scientific career of women A quota system
SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF GENDER INEQUALITY IN S&T Support after maternity leave Proposals for encouraging women in sciences The service of women in sciences
Gender equality model NO- for the equality through sameness-when women accept male norms, remains the masculinity standards. YES – for equal valuation and respect of differences and transformation of gendered practices for both women and men, transformation of relationships between them.
Thanks for your kind attention!