Promoting the new man: masculinity and gender-equality in swedish politics and society. Niclas Järvklo (doctoral candidate) Department of Literature and History of Ideas, Stockholm University
”A fundamental idea embraced today in Sweden is that one must aim for change which emancipates men as well as women from the restrictive effects engendered by the traditional sex roles (…).” Olof Palme ”The Emancipation of Man” The Journal of Social Issues 1972, vol.28, No2
Nordic Reports: Can men do it? – Men and gender equality - the Nordic experience (Nord 2000) Men, male roles and gender equality (White Paper on male roles and gender equality, Report No –2009) Gender equality can only be achieved when men and women work together towards the same goals and agree that traditional masculinities and femininities have aspects that need to be changed. Many historical, cultural and collective attitudes are contributing to keeping up stereotypes of male and female roles. Such stereotypes are serious challenges for the individual boy and man. They set clear limits as to what they may choose and do. Gender equality is about changing attitudes in men and women as well as securing formal rights and duties at an individual and group level.”
From Svenska Dagbladet May 25th 2004 ”Being on paternity leave is manly” Former Minister for Justice, Thomas Bodström Poster from NGO -campaign “ For sure, I will be home!”
Poster campaign agains men’s violence towards women and childeren ”It is his responsibility””Real men do not hit women”
Masculinity politics Promoting men to support and engage in questions of gender equality Nurturing fatherhood – shared responsibilities – fathers balancing work and family life. Men in couple and family relationships – Men’s sexuality – cooperation between parents after divorce. Men’s health and well-being – the strains of a traditional male role Men as perpetrators of violence Marginalisation of different group’s of men Changing the gender divided workplace Upbringing, educational and profession choices
What do men gain from gender equality? Can men lose anything because of gender equality? How can men get interested in gender equality questions?
Swedish governmental work groups: ”What do men gain from a changed male sex role?” The Working Group on the Male Role 1985 Male role reformism ”Men and women are different (---) But differences do not justify inequalities” the Daddy group 1995 Progressive masculinism ”Men has in general more power than women and very few let go of this power before knowing what they will get in return” Project Men and Gender Equality 2002 Fe-men-ism Question: What is a good strategy to get men to engage in gender equality?
Public debate on men in Sweden today