The Problem Hallvard, Sean, Noah and Grace
Summary Problem Identification Policies in Place Community Lack of Awareness
Survey/Graph Data Graphs
Images/Visuals On average, 85 Americans die from suicide each day. Although more females attempt suicide than males, males are at least four times more likely to die from suicide. Firearms are the most common means of suicide among men and women, accounting for 59% of all suicide deaths. 1
Kelsey is a Junior at Deerfield High School. Three years ago, on her first day of High School she tried to end her own life, luckily her mother saved her, because Kelsey told her friend who passed it on to Kelsey’s mom. Kelsey had unnoticed symptoms of depression in 7 th grade until freshman year.
Research Bibliography Aase, Sara. "Understanding suicide: why it's a bigger risk than you think and how to recognize the signs." Current Health Teens, a Weekly Reader publication Dec.2010: 12+. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 9 Mar Illinois. Children’s Mental Health Act of 200., Web. 7 Apr SASS CARES for KIDS Crisis Mental Health Services. Chicago: Department Of Pediatrics and Obstetrics/ Gynecology, Print. "Teen Depression Statistics." Teen Depression. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Apr United States. CONFIDENTIALITY LAWS TIP SHEET. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Web. 7 Apr
Image Bibliography "Who Young People Turn to for Help." menstuff. Web. 14 Mar 2011.