Departmental Post-Award Account Management September 29, 2015 Denise Elwart Physiology Human Medicine Erin Gorman Obstetrics Gynecology & Reproductive Bio Brooke Gallagher Food Science & Human Nutrition, ANR Linda Gallagher Entomology, ANR Sue Hopper Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Account Setup/Modifications When do you request a hardship or advance account? What are the most critical first steps to take when the PI receives the award? 3
Account Setup/Modifications How do you organize awards files (award documents, budget, modifications)? How do you keep track of specific terms and conditions for each award you manage? 4
Agency Prior Approvals What major changes require agency approval? Where do you go to verify that agency approval is required for those changes? How are you notified about No Cost Extensions (NCE) that are necessary? How do you request a NCE? 5
Monitoring and Oversight What tools do you recommend to PIs to check account balances and expenditures? Have you used KFS to help you better manage RC accounts? 6
Monitoring and Oversight Do you utilize a shadow system? Why or why not? How do you track commitments that are not in the EBS system? How do you use encumbrances to project future budget to actual comparisons? 7
Monitoring and Oversight What specific expenses do you know will need additional justification prior to payment/reimbursement? What do you do when the PI asks you to charge something or provide information that you don’t believe is appropriate/accurate? 8
Monitoring and Oversight What kind of detail do you expect to see on expenses charged via service/internal billings? Where do you find the detailed information? How do you track/review expenses to minimize cost transfers? 9
Monitoring and Oversight How do you decide which faculty receive summer pay? How do you deal with allocating faculty pay when the budget does not match the MSU system (ex: if the budget is calculated with daily rates)? 10
Monitoring and Oversight What are the biggest hurdles when dealing with subrecipients? What does the PI expect you to review on a subrecipient invoice and what do they review themselves? 11
Monitoring and Oversight How do you keep track of faculty commitments to make sure they are included correctly on the effort report? How do you monitor awards that have a salary cap? Do you take salary caps into consideration when reviewing effort reports? 12
Monitoring and Oversight How do you look up an employee’s status to see if the ACA fee will be charged for their employment each month? What are the consequences to hiring ACA eligible employees? What challenges have you experienced with ACA fees? 13
Monitoring and Oversight Who is able to receive a Pcard that is tied to an RC account in your department? Do you require that receipts be attached in KFS? What are the advantages of working with CGA prior to taking action? 14
Reporting and Award Closeout What are the most useful BI reports? Which ones do you rely on to manage your RC accounts? Do you look at your RC accounts to see what has been invoiced to the sponsor and what has been paid? Is cash position important to you? 15
Reporting and Award Closeout How do you monitor cost share commitments? How often do you discuss cost share with PIs? When do you start to worry about meeting cost share? What are the implications of being short in required cost share? 16
Reporting and Award Closeout Do you monitor whether PIs have submitted technical reports? What challenges arise administratively when PIs do not submit or are late submitting technical reports or deliverables? How do you manage projects that have ended? What are the department administrator’s responsibilities during the closeout of a sponsored project? 17
Reporting and Award Closeout How soon after the end date do you expect to have all issues resolved on project accounts so they can be closed in KFS by CGA? What delays do you experience when working on the closeout of RC accounts? How do you remove an exact dollar amount of salary/fringe to clear an overdraft? 18
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