EuroCirCol Gender Equality Monitoring and actions Geneviève Guinot CERN Diversity Programme Leader Tuesday, 2 June 2015 Administration and WP Management Kick-Off Meeting Magda Kowalska, CERN Experimental Physicist, with Geneva school girls at the 2013 Expand your Horizons event at the University of Geneva. Photo: Guillaume Mégevand
promote equal opportunities and ensure a balanced participation of women and men at all levels in research and innovation teams and in management structures Context Fostering gender balance in research teams Ensuring gender balance in decision-making Integrating gender /sex analysis in research and innovation (R&I) content
Gender equality in EuroCirCol Commitment from the consortium Monitoring periodic reports Informing, raising awareness WP1 deliverable DL1.2 Encourage best practices Establish a taskforce with representatives from all partner institutes
Monitor gender participation in EuroCirCol related activities Encourage best practices across the consortium Improve awareness through information Identify actions to (1 st steps at FCC 2015 Annual Meeting) improve attractiveness / encourage applications APS, DoE, IEEE presentations create conditions for equitable careers and their development for both, women and men APS and NFS presentations Typical gender equality related actions Monitor gender participation in EuroCirCol related activities Encourage best practices across the consortium Improve awareness through information
Initial Communication Actions - examples Filmed interviews of women working in various fields at CERN Information on funding opportunities Gender neutral language CERN-PHOTO
Next steps – Concluding remarks Hiring representatives from partner institutes - end of Q First deliverables -Initial proposal for a Roadmap – EDMS # Road Map for Gender Equality in the FCC Study -An example of gender specific communication tools – Video -A pilot of country contexts and organisational practices -Working Group session at the FCC Annual meeting – March 2015 – first occurrence of exchange of practices and ideas -Presentation at EuroCirCol kick-off meeting – June 2015 Establishment of the Task force: structure, work method and plan of work Task force kick-off meeting Q Gender action plan to WP1 Management First results presented at EuroCirCol Annual Meeting May 2016