P RESENTATION OUTLINE Exploring service delivery :key issues Inclusive Governance (IG) and key components Gender equality and social inclusion Public service-service delivery: challenges and supporting factors to promote IG Way forward/conclusion
G ROUP ACTIVITY : V IDEO CASE Exploring Service Delivery: key issues and Identify The Need for Inclusive governance
K EY LEARNING POINTS Access less to information about resource allocation, rights & public services Feeling awkward to use services Discrimination on gender, social, cultural, age, livelihood, economic, poverty, education disability Handful people control over resources Corruption People’s need were not recognized Dalit community suffers more from basic services Trust towards public institutions deteriorated
I NCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE Enabling governance that not only aware/responsive to need/interest of WPEs but also willing/able to provide effective remedies to their concerns source: Towards Inclusive Governance,UNDP Approach to improve 2 parts of the service delivery - efficient delivery of public services & empower marginalized group to demand services Non-IG is absence of policy, practices & institutional arrangements to mainstream WPEs in governance system
K EY COMPONENTS OF IG Accountability Responsiveness Integrity Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI)
A CCOUNTABILITY Being answerable Obligation of power holders to take responsibility for their actions Civic engagement in the process of making state accountable (Social Accountability) Citizens/CSOs hold service providers & officials accountable
R ESPONSIVENESS Delivering public services with greater efficiency/human face Creating trust towards public institutions which eventually reduces gap between state & people Specific ability to complete assigned task within a given time Features are updated, listen, participatory, transparent accountable, responsible & willing to cooperate
I NTEGRITY & E THICS Honesty and truthfulness Civil servants are expected to make decision & act in the public interest Corruption is unethical Damages society/makes it uneconomic/unsafe hurts to WPEs
An approach to mainstream WPEs GESI addresses unequal power relations between women & men/ between different social groups Focuses on need for rebalance these power relations Ensure equal rights, opportunities and respect for all individuals
S OCIAL E XCLUSION (SE) When: 1.Formal laws & polices, and/or Informal social practice, values and beliefs…. 1.Assets, opportunities & beneficiaries 2.Public goods, services & rights 3.Political voice and influence Prevent member s of certain social groups from getting equal access to:
S OCIAL INCLUSION (SI) Referred as social integration or social cohesion Vision: “ society for all ” and “growth for all” Removal of institutional barrier& improving access to opportunities/incentives for diverse groups of society Not allocating resources, quota, reservation only rather capacity building/access creating
A REAS OF INCLUSION Areas: Education Health Employment Others Tools: Targeted program Affirmative Reservation
P UBLIC SERVICE & SERVICE DELIVERY Supporting factors: National commitment through constitution, policies & legal framework Awareness towards IG & public demand Increased roles of donors Improved institutional arrangement Capacity of service providers Challenges: Weak legal enforcement and compliance Attitude and behaviour of service provider Lengthy process and formalities Inadequate institutional facilities Resistance to change
W AY FORWARD Cost of exclusion are high and excluded are many in Nepal GON need to design, implement and monitor the interventions programs ( in Policies, institutions & program/projects) accordingly
C ONCLUSION Inclusive Governance For : Harmony, Peace, prosperity & justice Efficient public service Ensure rights of the citizens Better governance