1 Traditional Ethernet 8Ethernet and CSMA/CD (IEEE 802.3) 8Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection 8Four step procedure 8If medium is idle, transmit 8If medium is busy, listen until idle and then transmit 8If collision is detected, cease transmitting 8After a collision, wait a random amount of time before retransmitting
Medium Notation 8Notation format: 8e.g 10Base5 provides 10Mbps baseband, up to 500 meters 8T and F are used in place of segment length for twisted pair and fiber
BaseX Media Options
4 Fast Ethernet (100Mbps) 8Easy to integrate with existing systems 8Can use UTP (-TX) or fiber (-FX) 8Uses star-wired topology, using a central multiport repeater (broadcast method) 8If NICs support full-duplex mode, switched hub must be used
Base-T Options
BaseX Media Options
7 Gigabit Ethernet 8Still under development 8Retains CSMA/CD protocol and Ethernet format, ensuring smooth upgrade path 8Uses optical fiber over short distances 81-gbps switching hub provides backbone connectivity
8 Gigabit Ethernet Media Options
9 Example 100-Mbps Ethernet Backbone Strategy