Your university or experiment logo here The European Landscape John Gordon GridPP24 RHUL 15 th April 2010
Your university or experiment logo here Outline EGI Status EGI-Inspire Status UK NGI UK Participation in EGI-Inspire EGI Operations EMI NGS Technical Roadmap
Your university or experiment logo here EGI Status formally exists as a foundation under Dutch law based in Amsterdam. The members are the NGIs. JISC paying the subscription. Charter signed, needs reinforced by paying this year’s subscription. Council met several times Executive Board elected (Neil Geddes a member) Recruiting staff – interviews held.
Your university or experiment logo here EGI-Inspire Status An FP7 project proposal. –Distinct from In negotiation with EC, budget request agreed –Money may move around internally Forming a PMB separate from EGI Council & EB –Groups of NGIs. UK needs to join with others to get a voice on PMB. –UK, Ireland and the Netherlands plan to group together.
Your university or experiment logo here UK NGI Neil Geddes proposed a governance model JRU Board & NGI MB NGI is superset of all grid projects. –Aim to provide a UK e- infrastructure for all NGI membership in EGI-Inspire is an administrative subset which will deal with the international aspects: interface to EGI; support of international VOs NGI Operations NGS GridPP NGI Operations Coordinator Training and Outreach Helpdesk and Regional Support Accounting and Monitoring Security NGI Management Board JRU Board
Your university or experiment logo here UK in EGI-Inspire STFC leading same JRU as in EGEE Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial, Manchester will sign Inspire CA Edinburgh – Global coordination of Training (not GridPP) Amended JRU MoU with members. –Extended to 2016 –All agreed to sign, hope for signatures this week. –Not just those getting money Change MoU so that it doesn’t require everyone to sign a new MoU before we can add a new partner. –Not this time.
Your university or experiment logo here Global Tasks at RAL with matching funding from GridPP –APEL –GOCDB –Operational Security – Security Policy International Tasks –~6 FTE reported brings 2 FTE income. –Glasgow, Imperial, Manchester, RAL –Issue round RAL getting money and Oxford doing the work Duties of T2s include:- –ROD Team monitoring sites and raising tickets –Support Team answering site and user issues –Middleware testing and deployment –UK Nagios running SAM tests on UK sites interworking with central metric store used by experiments, dashboards, etc. GridPP in EGI-Inspire
Your university or experiment logo here EGI Operations UK has kept relevant global tasks but many other EGEE responsibilities are moving. Risk of hiatus in middleware rollout, network support, ticket triage, operational tools –But handover started already.
Your university or experiment logo here EMI Covers gLite, ARC< and Unicore 12M€ budget agreed (7.5% reduction) over three years UK involvement via STFC –APEL 0.8 FTE –SAGA 0.4 FTE –50% funded
Your university or experiment logo here NGS Technical Roadmap Aim: integrate central services provided by the NGS & GridPP to support the continued operation of the overall UK e‐infrastructure. Information Publishing Data Information User management Infrastructure Monitoring Research Computing Interfaces
Your university or experiment logo here NGS are being pragmatic. They see the requirement for the glite stack and are moving to it. We will converge in a number of areas to the benefit of sites which are members of GridPP and NGS. They also recognise that glite does not have solutions for all their users and will address missing stuff There are already solutions used in EGII that are not used by WLCG. NGS is aware of some of these and so is likely to consider additional EGI solutions before developing or adopting their own. Conversely any non-EGI solutions they adopt for particular use-cases can be promoted to EGI as generic solutions.
Your university or experiment logo here Short-term Aims One Grid with multiple user communities –Possibly multiple software stacks –A bigger team supporting it UK non-PP users on NGS able to engage with european collaborators and have seamless access to non-UK resources Non-UK users in EGI to have access to NGS resources Engage HecTor Engage ESFRI projects with UK leadership/participation
Your university or experiment logo here Plan NGS to investigate gLite How can GridPP help? –Buddying, workshop, answer questions Reduce Duplication –VOMS, Nagios UK NGI Planning –Eg, how many top-level BDIIs, WMS, etc does the UK need –GridPP and NGS involved –]What can NGS contribute to GridPP MPI expertise Collaborate on new work –Clouds –Metadata catalogues
Your university or experiment logo here Short-term Plans Obvious things EGEE Certification of NGS Core sites BDII (old version of GLUE, MDS) WMS LFC Nagios Monitoring ROD Team Helpdesk