Review: Solubility means how much of a certain kind of solid will dissolve in a certain kind of liquid
Different things affect how quickly a solid will dissolve in a liquid. Stirring, crushing, and shaking a solid mixed with a liquid will all make the solid dissolve faster
Let's practice: #1) You pour one teaspoon of salt into two glasses of water. You stir one of the glasses for 1 minute, and leave the other glass. You time how long it takes for all of the salt to dissolve. Which glass will take longer?
#2) You take 10 grams of sugar and split it in half. You crush 5 of the grams to a powder, and leave the other 5 grams as they are. Then you pour them into two glasses of water. Which glass will the sugar dissolve in first?
There is only one thing that actually changes how much solid will dissolve. When you heat a liquid, solubility increases. More solid will dissolve in a hot liquid than a cold one.
Let's practice #1) You add sugar to a hot cup of water and a cold cup of water. Which will hold more sugar? s #2) You add sugar to a cup of tea, but not all the sugar dissolves. You put the tea in the microwave for 30 more seconds. What do you expect to see?
Quiz Game
1. What are the 3 things that will affect how quickly a solid will dissolve in a liquid?
2. What is the only thing that will affect how much of a solid will dissolve in a liquid?
3. James does a experiment where he puts salt in hot and cold water. In which glass should more salt dissolve?
4. Max adds sugar to two glasses of ice tea. He stirs one glass but does not stir the other. In which glass will the sugar dissolve faster?
5. True or False: Cooling a liquid down will make a solid dissolve faster in the liquid?
6. Liz added salt to her soup, what can she do to make the salt dissolve faster?
7. When you heat something up, do the atoms move faster or slower?
8. When you heat a liquid, does solubility increase or decrease?
9. What are different kinds of atoms called?
10. What are the three parts of an atom?
11. What is a molecule?
12. What is the boiling point?
13. What are the three things that make a solid dissolve faster?
14. What can you do to make more of a solid dissolve?