Lifestyle Financial Planning What would you like to do with the rest of your life and how much is that going to cost? How much is enough and how will you know when you reach it? How can you be sure that you will always have enough money? Do you have total peace of mind about your financial future or do you have some doubts?
How Do We Do It? It’s a fact: most financial advisers don’t do this because they are pre-occupied with financial products. We think differently. At Interface Financial Planning, we believe that until we really know about you, we have no right to talk about your money. We do things differently. We use a three stage process that firmly puts the focus on you - on your goals, on your aspirations... Simple. We make You the centre of attention!
1. Lifeplanning TM The first stage of the process is called Lifeplanning TM - getting to know you, helping you to identify what's important to you, and understanding the things you want to achieve in your lifetime, particularly the sort of lifestyle you want to enjoy throughout life.
2. Financial Planning Having understood your needs we move on to the second stage - called Financial Planning. We produce a dramatic picture, which spells out the reality of your financial future. Suddenly you see it, understand it, and believe it.
3. Independent Financial Advice Finally, if your financial plan indicates that you might need financial or investment services, then, and only then, will we offer the third stage of the process: Independent Financial Advice: At this stage we will be able to identify suitable products and services. This is REAL wealth management, suited to your REAL needs.
Monitor, Review and Keep on Course An airline pilot flying from London to New York will spend more than 90% of the time flying in the wrong direction. Constant readjustment is essential. We want to get you to JFK - a field somewhere near Baltimore is just not good enough! We will review your financial planning with you annually, to help you to adapt to any changes and to keep you on track.
Are You Ready For The Truth About Money? Are you ready for the truth about your money? Life is not a rehearsal so don't leave it too late to find out your number! It’s time to start working with an Alternative Financial Adviser. To arrange a meeting, at our cost and without obligation, please call: and ask for Alan Moran Or Look at our website:
Acknowledgments Alternative Financial Advisers Truth About Money Truth Software Other Alternative Financial Advisers:- Yates & Co, Chester (more to follow)