Going private? Statutory health insurance, sickness funds and the development of private health insurance in the Netherlands R.A.A. Vonk Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
-If and in what way sickness funds have influenced the private health insurance market during the period
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities Poor Law (no income) -Sickness fund insurance (low income) -Out of pocket payment (middle/high income)
1910 – ± 1910: private health insurers (comp. plans) -1912: binding resolution NMG : high failure rate and “malpractices” -1930: hospital plans -Sickness funds as moral example Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
1941 – : Introduction of social health insurance - compulsory (wage earners) - voluntary (non wage earners) -SHI schemes and PHI separated by an income limit Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
Sickness Fund Decree: repercussions -PHI-companies lose major part portfolio -Sickness funds start to offer suppl. insurance -Sickness fund prohibited to provide PHI Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
Expansion social health insurance (income limit) -1947: Bovenbouwers (PHI related to sickness funds) -Sickness funds and private insurers against national health insurance -1957: ANPZ-policy and VVBR risk-pool Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
: KLOZ (umbrella org. private health insurers) -Plans to reform health care sector (BVV/AWZ) -Bovenbouwers and insurers join forces -1967: NOZ risk-pool Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
No immediate threat National Health Insurance -Escalating risk segmentation / premium differentiation -Skimming voluntary social health insurance -Bovenbouwers apply entrepreneurial principles Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
: Zeven pijlers-plan -1974: Restructuring effort -1986: WTZ -Dissolving voluntary social health insurance -Socializing private health insurance -Standard policy -Compulsory acceptance -Fixed premium Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities
Conclusions - Moral example - “socialization” through competition (1960’s) - SHI-principles enter PHI - Failing self regulation(1970’s) - PHI-principles enter SHI (bovenbouwers) - Government intervention (1980’s)
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