Lesson 3 Writing a ghost story Writing to: Imagine, Explore, Entertain Year 9
Objective: To write an effective and well plotted ghost story
Starter Peer review Read your partner’s opening paragraph and give them some CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK. Do they have an effective opening sentence? Does the opening paragraph ‘grip’ and ‘hook’ the reader?
Writing Criteria for your ghost story: 1. Sentence structure, punctuation and text organisation Vary your sentences for clarity, purpose and effect 2. Composition and effect Write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts 3. Spelling Ensure that your spelling of simple and polysyllabic words is usually accurate.
Narrative Sequence of your ghost story: Introduction – setting and characters Development – How does the story develop? Crisis – What happens? Resolution or cliff hanger?
Language devices we can use: Use of senses: Touch, taste, sight, sound, smell Use of adjectives and adverbs Colours used to describe Powerful verbs Variety of sentence length Alliteration and onomatopoeia Imagery (simile; metaphor; personification)
Think about your word choice Use a Thesaurus!