GENRE Description: Genre is a type of literature that puts stories into categories based on their characteristics. Sentence: There are many genres, including realistic fiction, mystery, fantasy and non-fiction.
PLOT Description: The plot of a story is the series of events that happen from the beginning to the end. Sentence: The plot of a story has an exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.
CHARACTER Description: A character is a person, animal or creature that appears in a story. Sentence: The character in my story has a hard time making friends.
SETTING Description: The setting is when and where a story takes place. Sentence: The setting of my story takes place in Russia during World War II.
ANALYZE Description: If you analyze something, you look closely at each of its parts and see if they fit together in a way that makes sense. Sentence: The best way to analyze a character in a story is to think about what they say, what they do, and how they affect others.
CHARACTERIZATION Description: An author develops characterization in their story by describing what a character says, thinks and does or by how they interact with other characters. Sentence: The STEAL strategy is easy to use to identify characterization in a story. S- say, T- thoughts, E- effect on others, A- actions, L- looks
SUMMARY Description If you give a summary, you say or write the most important information from a text. Sentence Using the “Somebody Wanted But So Then” strategy is a good way to write a summary, because it helps you choose the most important parts of a text.
DETAIL Description: If you give a detail, you give a specific fact or piece of information from something. Sentence: Use descriptive details in your writing to help your readers feel like they are a part of your story.
NARRATIVE Description: A narrative is a retelling of something that happened; a story. Sentence: We will write personal narratives, which are true stories about our lives.
DIALOGUE Description: Dialogue is the conversation between characters in a story. Sentence: Using dialogue in your writing makes your story more interesting.