Aim: How do Osmosis and Diffusion compare? DN: Explain the difference between passive and active transport. HW: Page 199 #33-34
What is the diffusion of water called? Osmosis
OSMOSIS The movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
What is meant by concentration? Distilled water 100% pure water Solvent: The liquid (ex. Water) Solute: The solid added to the liquid (ex. Salt/sugar) The amount of solute!
Concentration Differences: 1 ) A 90% salt solution vs. a 20% salt solution Which solution has more salt particles? Which solution has more water molecules? 2) A 60% salt solution vs. 80% salt solution?
Which container has a greater concentration of water molecules? = Solute (salt) = Solvent (water) Which container has a greater concentration of solute molecules?
In which direction is osmosis going to occur? = Solute (sugar)= Solvent (water) Selectively Permeable
Why does this happen?
There is MORE WATER on the left side of the membrane so it moves to the right side.
Why are the water molecules diffusing to the left? Water molecules are red
The water is moving from an area of high to low!
Why does water go in and out of the cell? To maintain DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM If solute is equal, then so is water amt., molecules still move back and forth!
What happens to an animal cell if it is surrounded by a high concentration of water? Water will enter the cell! Cell will swell and burst!
What happens to an animal cell if it is surrounded by a low concentration of water? The Cell will shrink!! Salt sucks!!!!
Will osmosis happen? Summary Questions
In which direction will osmosis happen?
How is osmosis a form of passive transport? Osmosis is the movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. No ATP needed.