Who is God ? What images of God are there? How many images could you remember? **Why do people use images to say what God is like?


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Presentation transcript:

Who is God ? What images of God are there? How many images could you remember? **Why do people use images to say what God is like?

Homework Do the bible quiz !

Christians believe that it is impossible to sum up God in words or images alone. The only real “picture” of God is Jesus himself. Jesus is the Word of God, made into a human being. To describe what God is like as revealed through Jesus. (L3) To explain how Jesus shows us who God wants us to be. (L4) To consider how you far you follow Jesus’ example (L5) God in the New Testament 1.Why is it easier to know God if He is an actual human being on earth? 2.Do you personally think it is possible for God to have made himself a human being? **Could Jesus himself be described in the same way as God was? (rock, shield, shepherd, lion, parent, creator?)

Jesus is ‘God-made-man’: through Jesus we can learn what God is like. What does this tell us about what we should do? What is Jesus (God on earth) like as a person? What is Jesus doing/ saying in this Passage? Reference Mark 1:40-41 Mark 10:43-44 Luke 23:34 **Phillipians 2:8 1.Look up each quote, and fill out the table in your books. **Which of these ways of being like Jesus do you think matters most? Why?

When we see Jesus, we can see what God is like. Draw an outline of Jesus in your books. Write around it all the things Jesus shows us about God.