LexEVS Value Domains
LexGrid Definitions Value Domain Definition – the description of the contents Value Domain Resolution – the actual contents –The result of applying a Value Domain Definition to a given version of a code system (or systems). –A list of code system/concept codes Pick List Definition – the description of the contents Pick List Resolution – the actual contents of the resolved concept codes (including pick text)
Value Domain Definitions Possible Forms Code system/concept code + relationship + additional rules (leaf only, immediate children,...) Code system – all concept codes in the system Code system/concept code – individual code Combination of any of the above w/ or/and/difference operators
Value Domain Resolution A value domain definition has to be made against a specific version of a code system But it doesn’t have to be resolved against the same version. Even a simple list (a,b,c,d) needs to be resolved as, at some future date, “c” might be retired. Resolution does not create static artifact.
Value Domain
LexEVSValueDomainServices dropValueDomainTables() - Drops value domain tables only if there are no value domain and pick list entries. getAllValueDomainsWithNoNames() - Return the URI's of all unnamed value domain definition(s). getCodingSchemesInValueDomain(URI) - Returns list of coding scheme summary that is referenced by the supplied value domain. getValueDomainDefinition(URI) - Returns value domain definition for supplied value domain URI. getValueDomainEntitiesForTerm(String, URI, String) - Resolves the value domain supplied and restricts to the term and matchAlgorith supplied. isConceptInDomain(String, URI) - Determine if the supplied entity code is a valid result for the supplied value domain and, if it is, return the particular codingSchemeVersion that was used. isConceptInDomain(String, URI, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag, URI) - Determine if the supplied entity code is a valid result for the supplied domain. isDomain(String, String, CodingSchemeVersionOrTag) - Determine if the supplied entity code is of type valueDomain in supplied coding scheme and, if it is, return the true, otherwise return false. isSubDomain(URI, URI) - Check whether childValueDomainURI is a child of parentValueDomainURI. listValueDomains(String) - Return the URI's for the value domain definition(s) for the supplied domain name. If the name is null, returns everything. If the name is not null, returns the value domain(s) that have the assigned name.
LexEVSValueDomainServices loadValueDomain(InputStream, boolean) - Loads value domain using inputStream. loadValueDomain(String, boolean) - Loads value domain by reading XML file location supplied. loadValueDomain(ValueDomainDefinition, String) - Loads supplied valueDomainDefinition object. removeAllValueDomains() - Removes all value domain definitions from the system. removeValueDomain(URI) - Removes supplied value domain definition from the system. resolveValueDomain(URI, AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReferenceList) - Resolve a value domain using the supplied set of coding scheme versions. validate(URI, int) - Perform validation of the value domain definition without loading data.
Picklist Definitions Possible Forms Value Domain – all concept codes in the value domain Code system/concept code – individual code (inclusion and exclusion)
Picklist Resolution A picklist definition has to be made against a specific value domain... Even a simple list (a,b,c,d) needs to be resolved as, at some future date, “c” might be retired. Resolution does not create static artifact.
Pick List
LexEVSPickListServices getPickListDefinitionById(String) - Returns pickList definition for supplied pickListId getPickListDefinitionsForDomain(URI) - Returns all the pickList definitions that represents supplied valueDomain URI. getPickListValueDomain(String) - Returns an URI of the represented valueDomain of the pickList. listPickListIds() - Returns list of pickListIds that are available in the system. loadPickList(InputStream, boolean) - Loads pick list using inputStream. loadPickList(PickListDefinition, URI) - Loads supplied PickListDefinition object. loadPickList(String, boolean) - Loads pick list by reading XML file location supplied. removePickList(String) - Removes pick list definition from the system that matches supplied pickListId. resolvePickList(String, boolean) - Resolves pickList definition for supplied pickListId. resolvePickListForTerm(String, String, String, String, String[], boolean) - Resolves pickList definition for supplied arguments - Term to restrict, match algorithm to use, language to restrict, list of context to restrict, sort flag (If True, will be sorted by text in ascending order.) validate(URI, int) - Perform validation of the picklist definition without loading data.
Packaging Created as an extension for LexGrid –org.lexgrid.extension.valuedomain Downloadable from Vocabulary Knowledge Center as ZIP file to be extracted into LexEVS environment.
LexEVS 5.1 Does the API as it exists in 5.0 adequate to support the creation of the value sets? Does NCI need to support further development of the API in 5.1 to support creation of the value sets? –Persistence of resolved value sets
Definitions ISO Enumerated conceptual domain – conceptual domain that is specified by a list of all its value meanings Value meaning – “semantic content of a value” (???) Permissible value – designation of a value meaning within a specific value domain Enumerated value domain – value domain that is specified by a list of all its permissible values
Administrative Gender BGT:B20370 – “Male” BGT:B16749 – “Female” BGT:B51611 – “Undifferentiated Sex” AdmitMessage.patientGenderCode B20370 B16749 B51611 MayoDB.ptGender
Definitions HL7 Concept Domain – “A named category of like concepts (a semantic type) that will be bound to one or more attributes in a static model” –Roughly equivalent to Conceptual Domain Value Set – “A uniquely identifiable set of valid concept representations.” –No distinction between value meaning and permissible value –This works (sort of) because HL7 can dictate what goes on the wire.... –... But HL7 finds itself assigning multiple permissible values to code systems as “codes”