Roadmap to Success (661)
Orientation Topics ► General College Information ► Educational Goals
Educational Goals ► Personal Enrichment ► Job Skill Development ► Certificate Program ► Associate Degree ► Four Year Transfer
Units Needed ► Certificates –13 to 53 ► Associate Degree –60 ► Bachelor Degree –120+
Certificate Programs ► Course Work in a specific vocational area General Business Electronic Technology Child & Family Education ► Many More Certificates Listed in the Catalog
Associate Degree General Education ► Natural Sciences–3 units ► Social & Behavioral Sciences –3 units ► Humanities–3 units ► Language & Rationality–6 units ► Additional Breadth–3 units ► Diversity Studies–3 units (Full list for each area starting page 22 of the catalog)
Four Year College/University Transfer ► Minimum Units for Junior Status University of California : ► 60 transferable units California State University : ► 60 transferable units Maximum units to either system: 70 ► Independent Schools: units ► Out of State Schools: units
Transfer Student Considerations ► General Education ► Lower Division Major Prerequisites ► Transfer Admission Requirements
Assessment Results ► Math Non-degree: MATH 050, 060 MATH 070, 080 AA/AS Degree: MATH 102 Transfer: MATH 115, 130, etc. ► Except MATH 135, transferable to CSU campuses only PAWs Program PAWs
Assessment Results ► Reading Non-degree: READ 095, 097 & 099 AA/AS Degree: College Level Reading ► Writing Non-degree: ENGL 095, 097, 099 AA/AS Degree: ENGL 101 Transfer: ENGL 101
Academic Counseling ► See the Counseling Center for short and long term planning ► Make an appointment in your first semester to get on track with an educational program ► Continue to see a counselor to make the most of your time at AVC in order to graduate and/or transfer in a timely manner ► Walk-in counseling is available
School Calendar ► Fall Semester–16 weeks (August–December) ► Intersession–5 weeks (January–February) ► Spring Semester–16 weeks (February–June) ► Summer Session–8 weeks (June–August)
Deadline Dates Semester Length Classes ► Last day to add a class ► Last day to drop a class ► Last day to drop a class without a “W” ► Last day to drop a class with a “W” Too many “Ws” is a problem ► Late start classes available!
Registration Process ► Select classes with counselor’s assistance ► Register on the assigned date & time ► Pay registration fees by deadline date or classes will be dropped ► Make any program changes using your myAVC via or in person
If the Class You Want is Closed ► Choose a different section of the same class Consider sections offered at a different time and/or day ► Choose a different course ► OR…
Crashing/Adding a Class ► For a Closed Class–Show up to the first class meeting and ask for an Add Authorization Code (AAC) ► If you don’t get in the first class meeting, be persistent, but not annoying, and ask to be placed on the waiting list
Full Time vs. Part Time ► Full-time students – 12 units or more ► Part-time students – less than 12 units
Mandatory Fees ► Enrollment Fee – $26 per unit ► Student Representation Fee – $1 each term ► Parking Fee – $15 (Fall & Spring) – $7.50 (Summer) – FREE (Intersession)
Attendance ► Attend all sessions of each class or you may be dropped ► Make up missed coursework if allowed ► Contact your instructor if you need to miss a class
Attendance ► How to Contact Your Instructor: In Person Voic Division Secretary Instructor Mailbox
Classroom Etiquette ► Be On Time ► Turn Off Cell Phones ► Remove Sun Glasses ► Avoid “Popping” Gum ► Stay for entire class session
Classroom Success ► Come Prepared with Pen & Paper Purchasing Blue Books and/or Scantrons for tests when needed ► Purchase the Text for the 1 st day of Class ► No Visiting While Class is in Session ► Maintain at Least a 2.0 GPA
Honors Transfer Alliance Program ► Priority Admission Consideration (not a guarantee) to campuses such as: UCLA, UCR, UCI, Brandman University, Occidental College, Pomona College, others ► Eligibility: 3.5 GPA in high school, 1600 SAT score, eligibility for ENGL 101 or 3.25 GPA with 12 transferable units of course work, eligibility for ENGL 101 ► Once in the program, the student must complete six honors classes/options and maintain a 3.25 GPA ► Coordinator: Karen Lubick, , ext
Time Management Planning Your Schedule ► Work HoursUnits 40 hours 6 30 hours 9 20 hours 12 Less than 20 hours 12+
Time Management Planning Study Time ► Plan two hours of study time for every hour of class time i.e.: If enrolled in 12 units, plus study time=36 hours per week overall
Final Exams ► Final exams will be administered during the last class session of the term
Graduation Evaluation ► Apply for graduation at SSV 117 March deadline for June graduation December graduation also available
Contact Information Information & Welcome Center Antelope Valley College Student Services Building (SSV) 3041 W. Ave. K Lancaster, CA (661) , ext