Strength Through Science BESAC Presentation Office of Science Dr. James Decker Acting Director, Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy August 2, 2001.


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Presentation transcript:

Strength Through Science BESAC Presentation Office of Science Dr. James Decker Acting Director, Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy August 2, 2001

Changes in the Department’s management structure and style Status of the FY 2002 Budget for the Office of Science Ongoing efforts reviewing the relation of science and security within the Department

Status of the FY 2002 Budget for the Office of Science

DOE Office of Science Budget ($ in Millions) $1007 $443$446 $248 $716 $225$224 Basic Energy Sciences Advanced Scientific Computing Research Fusion Energy Science Biological & Environmental Research High Energy Physics Nuclear Physics All Other SC $163 FY 2002 Request FY 2002 House Mark $ $360 FY 2002 Senate Mark $1041 $490 $248 $725 $229 $163 $362 $373 Spallation Neutron Source FY 2002 Request vs. House and Senate Marks $ 1005

Changes in Management Structure On July 26, 2001 the Secretary issued a Memorandum on changes to the Department’s Management Structure.

See.pdf file for organization chart

Changes in Management Structure The Simplified Picture Secretary Spencer Abraham Chief of Staff Kyle McSlarrow Deputy Secretary Francis Blake Under Secretary for National Security John Gordon Under Secretary for Energy, Science, Environment Bob Card CFO/ Management, Budget & Evaluation

Changes in Management Structure Under Secretary for Energy, Science, Environment Under Secretary Card Direct line management of Office of Science Energy Efficiency/ Renewable Energy Nuclear Energy, Science & Technology Fossil Energy Environmental Management Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Business Line ScienceEnergy Environment

Changes in Management Structure Other Major Changes Independent Oversight and Performance Assessment is now responsible for ES&H oversight Assistant Secretary for ES&H now reports to Under Secretary Card Chief Information Officer, a new office, now reports to the Office of the Secretary Management & Administration function combined with CFO to form Management, Budget and Evaluation Policy and International Affairs are combined into Assistant Secretary for Policy & International Affairs Energy Information Administration now reports to the Office of the Secretary

Changes in Management Style Deputy Secretary has started Operational Program Reviews –To use measures and metrics to ensure programs are on schedule, within budget and deliver intended results –Energy Efficiency serving as the pilot –Quarterly – SC’s review is to be week of November 12 –Deputy Secretary to chair; organized by both Principal Secretarial Officers and CFO

Changes in Management Style Secretary has directed the start of Quarterly Leadership meetings. Deputy Secretary likely to chair. To review objectives and performance measures; to share best practices; to review cross cutting issues Participants: Department Principals, Staff Offices, Field Office Managers & Power Market Administrators Proposed Schedule –October 17-18, ’01 Washington, D.C. –January 16-17, ’02 Nevada Operations –April 17-18, ’02 Chicago Operations –July 17-18, ’02Oak Ridge Operations

Ongoing efforts reviewing the relation of science and security within the Department

Science & Security In October 2000, Secretary Richardson commissioned the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) to study ways for strengthening the science and security functions of the Department of Energy. John Hamre, CSIS President and former Deputy Secretary of Defense, formed a Commission and is leading the study. General Gordon and Departmental staff provided continuity across the change of Administrations.

Science & Security Hamre briefed Secretary Richardson in January 2001 which lead to 1. Review of the impacts of existing security and counter- intelligence orders on the scientific and security environment at the labs and production facilities 2. Suspension of all draft security or counter-intelligence policies and procedures 3. Review of the use of the term “sensitive but unclassified” information within the DOE complex 4. Support for the review of polygraphs by the National Academy of Sciences Final report is due in April 2002