Litle Child Education Growing up with English
The important of learning language Languages is a human universal Languages is systematic Languages is both creative and functional Languages change Languages can be non-verbal as well as verbal
Languages and culture are closely related Languages and thought are closely related
Development of language NOStageDescription 1Nascent-first of Elementary The children get best of prerequsite to read. E.g identify letter, distinguish a symbol 21-2Begin to read, producing utterence of letter. 32-3More fluence to read but not understand the content 44-8Get more information from media, get difficult to indentify information from any direction. 5SMAGet competence to read and develop their understanding from any direction, also discuss the content of literature
Core of theoritical linguistic AnglesDescriptionexample Phonology A science which studies speech sounds in general “chat” [t ʃ at] Morphology The smallest unit of language that has a meaning “s”=Girls=Plural meaning Syntax The study of arrengement of words into large utterance construction “Jhon pushed the bike” “the bike pushed jhon” Semantic A sience that studies the meaning which is written or spoken Orange=jeruk Pragmatics A sience that studies the meaning lying behind the sentence “Good morning”
Skills for Children in Learning Language Reading Writing Speaking Listening
Some Techniques of learning language for children Learning Center Block Center Art of Creating Center Dramatic Play Center Library Writing Center Science Center Table Toys Music Center
Oral language activities Goal= Helping students begin thinking in english and creates an opportunity for them to develop conversation skills and vocabulary. Beginning class activities -The calendar: months, cardinal and ordinal numbers, seasons, time, etc -The activities for the day - Student’s avtivities outside school - Show and tell
Intermediate class activities -Discussion - Sharing - Direct Physical Response - Jazz Chants
Reading Activities GOAL= the children be able to read and write (be able to construct meaning from their own text or the text of others) and also they be able to choose to read and write that they want to engage in these activities.
How children become literate Using print in the environment Storybook reading Stories to listen to Using a single book or poster with the class
Writing Activities GOAL= Produce written text that conforms to adult standarts and convention, produce written text for a variety of purposes (e.g birthday card, letter sent to one grandparents) and they are able to write conventionally, children undersatnd that written language is functional and that they can use it to accomplish their own purposes.
Handwriting and spelling Creating writing classroom -Prewriting - Drafting - Sharing and Responding - Revising writing - Publishing Monitoring Writing
References Orr.Janet K, Growing up with english, south washington, TESOL Santrock.Jhon w, 2007, perkembangan anak, surabaya, erlangga
Backdrops: - These are full sized backdrops, just scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of Templates for use anywhere!