XV International AIDS Conference Symposium: Education for HIV/AIDS prevention:What Works? Scaling up: costing scarce resources and assessing absorptive capacity By Alan Whiteside Director, HEARD Bangkok 14 th July
National trends in HIV prevalence
HIV Prevalence among ANC respondents by age group
Epidemic Curves, HIV 27Aug01-Report I:Epidem’gy& Lit.p.27 T 1 T 2 Time Numbers A 1 A 2 HIVprevalence A B
Epidemic Curves, HIV and AIDS 27Aug01-Report I:Epidem’gy& Lit.p.27 T 1 T 2 Time Numbers A 1 A 2 HIVprevalence AIDS-cumulative B 1 A B
Epidemic Curves, HIV, AIDS & Impact 27Aug01 -Report I:Epidem’gy & Lit. p.27 T 1 T 2 Time Numbers A 1 A 2 HIV prevalence B 1 A B AIDS - cumulative Impact
Mitigation of HIV/AIDS at the District Level: The Case for the Collection of Local Indicators & the Development of DEMMIS
EMIS: Mortality due to Illness
Pupil Attrition
“New” Orphans Orphans as a % of enrolment: 2001: 1.5% 2002: 2.3%
Loss of Contact Time Loss of time: 2001: 7% 2002: 7.6%
HIV/AIDS Impact on The Education Sector The Mobile Task Team Approach
MTT Country Activity
MTT Regional Activity
MTT Objectives Empower MoEs to develop systemic, sustainable response to HIV/AIDS, through effective management & mitigation; Guide sectoral policy & prioritised, decentralised implementation plans; Cost implementation plans to utilise available internal and external resources; Develop MoE/sectoral capacity & provide knowledge, systems, tools, models, templates and training required to measure, manage, mitigate HIV/AIDS and report response.
MTT Research Activity Published analysis of mortality & attrition rates in educator workforce in KwaZulu Natal; Analysis of mortality & attrition rates for teachers in South Africa for teacher demand & supply modelling; Assembly & analysis of education sector data for 13 MTT countries; Global Readiness Report –education sector study of 100 HIV/AIDS vulnerable countries,