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Presentation transcript:


Overview Background Benchmarking Stakeholders Affinity Diagram Mission Statement Objective Tree Constraints Voice of the Customer

Background RIT changing from quarters to semesters in Fall 2013 First year students currently take Physics, Problem Solving with Computers and Measurement Instrumentation and Controls ME 102 will replace these courses Lab hardware needs to be developed for five labs  Three labs to be integrated into ME 102  Two in class demonstrations  Statics  Thermodynamics

Benchmarking Empathy Exercise Examined current lab facilities in the RIT ME Department Researched existing lab experiments used by other universities  Did not find any labs that addressed the needs of ME 102  Did not find any universities that had a course comparable to ME 102 Researched existing lab kits and demonstrations  Pasco  ENGAGE

Stakeholders KGCOE Administration  Dr. Edward Hensel Mechanical Engineering Professors First Year Mechanical Engineering Students ME Lab Instructors KGCOE Alumni

Affinity Diagram By Stakeholder First year ME StudentsME ProfessorsKGCOE AdminME Lab Instructors KGCOE Alumni Most Students come in with Algebra based Physics Problem: Direction of movement vs direction of forces Statics-Concepts: FBD, Trig Relations from 2D to 3D, Cross Products Students dont ask questions when they dont understand something ABET Critera Labs must be online by May 2012 Easy to Assemble Want RIT to have a good reputation nationwide Some students come in with calc background (AB or BC) Problem: Combined forces as vectors Thermo - Piston demo would be useful Perhaps experiments can become more open ended as the weeks progress to reinforce real life experiments in industry Labs to provide foundation of mechanics Labs must be under 75 mins for setup - collect data - take down Students wont brake them Want this class to become a education standard nationwide Most students come in with no calc background Problem: Angular velocity Thermo-Entropy (not intuitive and no exposure before thermo class), vapor dome, using data tables, open system-flowing mass, isentropic efficiencies (turbines and pumps) Dynamics- Concepts Students Having Trouble With: Relative Motion, Work/Energy Integrals, Decomposing vector from one coordinate system to another, v-s and a-s graphs Labs to involve data acquisition Labs should be modular Want a set of extras incase a couple sets break Centripetal acceleration was a common difficult concept Problem: Moment of Inertia Thermo - Demo of control volume would be useful Want students to understand what they are experimenting on, want them to have a personal hands-on experience Labs increase in complexity Equipment will have 3 year development cycle Want the labs to be easily stored and not take up to much space Rotational to Linear motion a common difficult concept Problem: What rotational motion is Experiments need to be simple enough not to take too much class time but reinforce concepts Competition usually brings out the best in people, maybe find a way to incorporate that Open Source Instantaneous Velocity/accelration a difficult conept Problem: Circular Forces (torque) Obvious link to real life problems Dynamics- Concepts That Would Benefit From A Lab: Kinematics (Motion in different reference frames), force/dashpot, visual indication of force, friction, impulse/momentum Students have physics background from high school Forces as vectors a difficult concept Problem: Torque Want students to have the motivation to see how the experiments relate to physical Co-enrolled in calc Most more uncomfortable with at least some aspect of rotational motion Problem: Centripetal force ME102 #1 priority Most students not in physics their first quarter Problem: Angular motion - "Whats that?"

Affinity Diagram First Iteration Experimental Apparatus Experimental Ideas Experimental RequirementsAngular MotionLinear Concepts Complexity of Experiments StaticsThermo Involves data Piston Thermo Demo ABET Criteria Want the labs to easily be stored and not take up too much space Impulse/ Momentum Decomposing vectors from one coordinate system to another Increasing ComplexityFBDVapor Dome Wants a set of extras in case a couple break Control Volume Demo In class demos fit inside professor's class schedule Students should have experience working in groups Angular motion- "Whats that?" Forces as vectors difficult concept Experiments more open-ended as weeks progress Trig Relations from 2D to 3D Entropy Wants the labs to be easily stored and not take up much space Real-lifeOpen sourceMATLAB Proficiency Rotational to linear motion a common difficult concept Motion in different reference frames Most students come in with no calc Must integrate demos into class lectures Open source mass flow Modular in terms of variables range Motivate students to see how experiments relate to physical LabVIEW ProficiencyMoment of InertiaFBD Some students come in with calc background (AB or BC) More complex concept than freshman experiments Isentropic Efficiencies Budget for all lab equiptment cannot exceed $50,000- $100,000 Labs must be online by May 2012 Microsoft Excel Proficiency Centripetal acceleration was a common difficult concept Relative MotionCo-enrolled in calc Quick to show concept in limited lecture time Must integrate demos into class lectures Use National Instruments DAQ hardware Minimum of 12 sets of hardware ME 102 labs take priority What rotational motion is Relations from 2D to 3D Students have physics background from high school More complex concept than freshman experiments Equipment has a 3 year development cycle Prefers implementation of COTS parts Labs must be under 75 minutes for set-up, collect data, and take down Angular velocityWork/Energy Some students come in with algebra based physics Quick to show concept in limited lecture time Easy to assemble Backups are necessary Personal/Hands on Most uncomfortable with come aspect of rotational motion V-S and A-S graphs Most students not in physics their first quarter Robust-Students wont break them

Affinity Diagram Second Iteration Key Engineering ConceptsImplementation of LabsLab Skills IntegralsV-S and A-S GraphsVapor DomeABET Criteria Experiments more open-ended as the weeks progress Easy to assembleInvolves data aquisition Forces as vectors difficult concept Moment of Inertia Open Source Mass Flow Open Source Mininum of 12 sets of hardware Personal/Hands On Use National Instruments DAQ hardware FBD Rotational to linear motion a common difficult concept Isentropic Efficiencies In class demos fit inside Professor's class schedule Want the labs to easily stored and not take up much space Simple Experiment Students should have experience working in groups Relative MotionTorque Piston Thermo Demo Must integrate into class lectures Backups are necessary Quick to show concept in limited lecture time LabVIEW Proficiency Motion in different reference frames Centripetal acceleration was a common difficult concept Control Volume Demo Motivate students to see how experiments relate to physical Increasing Complexity Labs must be under 75 minutes for setup, collect data, and take down. Microsoft Excel Profieciency Decomposing vectors from one coordinate system to another Angular velocity Budget for all lab equipement cannot exceed $50,000- $100,000 Labs must be online by May 2012 ME 102 labs take priority MATLAB Proficiency Relations from 2D to 3D Direction of moment vs direction of forces Modular in terms of variable range Equipment has a 3 year development cycle Prefers implementation of COTS parts Technical writing Work/Energy Most uncomfortable with some aspect of rotational motion Want the labs to easily stored and not take up much space Students won't break them Impulse/MomentumEntropy Want a set of extras in case a couple break Robust

Mission Statement The Mechanical Engineering Department at the Rochester Institute of Technology will be implementing a new course curriculum by Fall 2013, including lab experiments for first year students, because it will be a more effective way to introduce key engineering principles early in their education. The ME Lab Hardware family of projects will be responsible for the design, development and production of this lab hardware.

The customer needs experiments that are robust and easy to assemble so that a significant number of students can have a hands-on experience with one piece of hardware in under 75 minutes. The customer needs experiments to address Newton’s Law of Gravity because it is a foundation principle of mechanics. The customer needs experiments to address Newton’s Three Laws because they are a foundation principle of mechanics. The customer requires that the student must demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply the Work Energy Theorem. The customer requires that the student demonstrate an ability to conduct scientific experiments, using appropriate technology to collect sensor data in order to achieve the desired outcomes. The customer needs students to have data acquisition, data processing and technical writing because they are critical engineering skill sets. The customer needs the experiments to be ready by May 2012 because the experiments are going to be implemented by the Fall of The customer needs experiments that increase in complexity because this will help ease students into more complex concepts. The customer needs the experiments to utilize National Instruments DAQ hardware and commercial off-the-shelf parts to meet lab production time and resource constraints. The customer needs a series of experiments that demonstrate key engineering concepts. The customer needs experiments that can be effectively implemented by May 2012 to establish RIT as a national education standard. The customer needs experiments that help students obtain and analyze data from lab hardware while developing other important technical skills. The Mechanical Engineering Department at the Rochester Institute of Technology will be implementing a new course curriculum by Fall 2013, including lab experiments for first year students, because it will be a more effective way to introduce key engineering principles early in their education. The ME Lab family of projects will be responsible for design, development and production of this lab hardware. The customer needs the experiments to be ready by May 2012 because the experiments are going to be implemented by the Fall of The customer needs open source, ABET approved experiments that can be implemented by other universities because RIT would like to become a national standard in education.

Constraints Time  Must be implemented by May 2012  Lab Times restricted to 75 minutes in length  Lab Experiments must last at least three years Space  Lab Space: MIC Lab is going to designated for this course Budget  Total Lab Equipment cost cannot exceed budget ($50,000 - $100,000)  Minimum of 12 lab sets to be produced to accommodate class size Academic  ABET Criteria

Voice of the Customer Need # Affinity Group NameImportanceCustomer Objective DescriptionMeasure of Effectiveness CN1 Key Engineering Principles 9The student will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply Newton's Law of GravityStudent feedback and overall course GPA CN2 9 The student will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply Newton's first law to analyze problems of static equilibrium. Student feedback and overall course GPA CN3 9 The student will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply Newton's second law to analyze the dynamics of a single particle. Student feedback and overall course GPA CN4 9 The student will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply Newton's third law to analyze the dynamics of two or more objects Student surveys CN5 9The student will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply the Work Energy TheoremStudent surveys CN6 9 The student will demonstrate an ability to conduct scientific experiments, using appropriate technology to collect sensor data in order to achieve the desired outcomes. CN7 Implementation of Labs 1Create open source materials for potential nationwide adoption Number of other programs using RIT curriculum CN8 9Concepts should be performed with increasing complexity week over week Complexity as defined by number of data sets acquired and analysis done to it CN9 3Should be easy to assemble Can be assembled/disassembled in five minutes or less CN10 1Should be easily stored Can be disassembled in a practical storage envelope (by volume) CN11 3Robustly designedConduct endurance testing CN12 3Modular design to facilitate complexity Number of experiments performed per apparatus, minimum of three CN13 9Labs can be completed in 75 minutesPerform a sample lab and time it CN14 3Directly relate to classroom lecture Refer to textbook and prepared curriculum CN15 3Contain data acquisition hardwareN/A CN16 3Use Commercially available Off-The-Shelf (COTS) partsOverall cost and time of production CN17 9Can support 3-4 groups members performing a taskNumber of discrete tasks required by lab CN18 1Should relate to real world situations CN19 Lab Skills 3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply the LabVIEW system to the problem of conducting experiments in engineering mechanics. Depth of LabVIEW commands necessary CN20 3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply modern engineering tools (such as Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic, and MATLAB) to the analysis of experimental data, and reporting of results. Perform a sample lab and check data for usability CN21 1Provide students with experience working in a group Peer evaluations at the end of the semester CN22 9 The student will demonstrate ability to professionally document work in a manner that can be easily followed, verified, and reproduced One graded report per team per experiment

Summary Background Benchmarking Stakeholders Affinity Diagram Mission Statement Objective Tree Constraints Voice of the Customer