Point Grey: Grade 12 Parent Information Session Welcome!
A Quick Review of the Graduation Program Post Secondary Planning: a Refresher Parents’ supporting role Review of the Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) application process Grade 12 year at a glance Scholarship, bursary resources This Evening’s Agenda
In order to graduate with a Dogwood in British Columbia a student must earn a total of 80 credits: 48 credits in required “core” courses (English 12 in grade 12) 28 credits in elective courses (all other courses including 3 courses at the grade 12 level credits ) 4 credits in Graduation Transitions (Assignment distributed during our first assembly and is available on out school website) Students must also earn a total of 30 hours of work and/or volunteer experience 150 minutes per week of documented Physical Activity The Graduation Program: A Quick Review…
There are different types of post-secondary institutions (PSIs): colleges trade schools universities private institutions Each Institution has a multitude of programs and program requirements that are necessary for an applicant to gain entry into that particular program. Entrance to universities is usually the most competitive. In general, to apply to Canadian universities you will need to consider the following: Admission Average of Marks (En other admissible courses) Language Credits (Most BC universities require a language 11) Math Credits (most universities minimally require precalc. 11 ) Broad-based Admission Process (supplemental applications) Post-Secondary Planning: A Refresher…
Admissible Courses Students make sure they have and or are registered in the courses that are required (grade 11 and 12) to gain entry to their program of choice at their post-secondary institution of choice. Those courses become the targeted courses that institutions look at and therefore become “required.” Please note: almost every institution and program requires English 12. There are exceptions (e.g., Langara will take students with Communications 12, but students may have to upgrade depending on their chosen programme). Most program requirements will state their requirements plus two or three other “approved courses.” Each institution has its own list of “approved grade 12 courses from BC.”
Broad Based Admissions Process More universities are considering a greater range of information in their admissions decisions such as: leadership activities, volunteering, community work, and references. This is a great way for your child to highlight their involvement at school and within the community. This may include volunteering, work experience, involvement in athletics, the arts, or virtually any other extra-curricular pursuit. Post -Secondary Planning: A Refresher…
1. Explain how you responded to a significant challenge that you have encountered and what you learned in the process. (maximum 200 words) 2. Describe your most significant leadership experience. Why do you consider this your most significant role? (maximum 200 words) 3. Describe your most significant group work experience including the role you played and your contributions. (maximum 200 words) 4. Describe up to five activities that you have pursued in one or more of the following areas: leadership/group contributions ; academic achievements; sports; creative and performing arts; work; service to others Please include the type of activity, the start date, end date, the amount of time you were involved in this activity, and a brief description of the activity. 5. Tell us more about one of the activities you listed above, explaining what your goals were, what you did to pursue them, the results achieved, and what you learned in the process. (maximum 200 words) 6. Please include any additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider when reviewing your application. (maximum 100 words) 7. Please submit the names of two referees who know you well and can comment on your preparedness for study at UBC. (Note: specific criteria must be followed when selecting a referee) Broad Based Admissions Sample: UBC Personal Profile UBC Personal Profile
The modern career landscape requires: adaptability, flexibility and responsiveness to ever-changing conditions (this maybe why PSIs are looking for information beyond academics through broad based processes). Parents can play a major role in helping their child navigate the process of researching PSIs, deciding which programmes are right for them, and discussing issues such as living at home vs. in residence; funding their education; etc. *Many young people today feel great stress in deciding where to go and what to do after high school. Patience through this process can help alleviate the pressure on both students and parents. Parents’ Supporting Role: Things to Consider...
Parents’ Supporting Role: Things to Consider… Planning Stages The best laid plans only work if there is follow through on those plans: Make sure that your child’s plan is based on achievable goals and reflects not only their interests but their abilities. Try to ensure that your child’s plan is flexible enough to adapt to the potential barriers that you think they might encounter. Make sure that you and your child are flexible in your mindsets to weather the “uncertainties” that life can, and sometimes will, bring. Always keep in mind that there is more than one way to get where you want to go. Be open to (and research) the possibilities!
Throughout the Process Be curious: ask questions, ask to sit with your child when they apply on-line (they may say no), listen to their answers, give them a chance to ‘build their case’ if need be as it helps them build confidence in their decisions. Be accepting: their process may be different than yours. If their process isn`t clear ask them to walk you through their process. : Be patient: they may not have all the answers but as long as they have questions and are engaged in seeking out clarification then they are on the right path. Be available: ask them how you can help in a practical way(I have some time on Saturday; what can I help you with ?) : Be confident in your child: help them make the right decision by giving them the space to talk it through with you. This will fuel them with the confidence they need. Parents’ Supporting Role: Things to Consider…
The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: Overview The information I am providing you is a general overview. Specific information should be clarified through the following sources: through the website of the PSI your child is applying to PSI viewbooks (available in the Career Centre at Point Grey) ing by admissions support staff The Career Centre, room 218 (Ms. Kim) The grade 12 counsellor Also: visits by a wide range of PSIs are conducted at lunchtime throughout the school year – students have been ed the PSI info session schedule; it is also available through the counselling and career centres
Time to Apply! You can apply at BC Post-Secondary Application Service. (ApplyBC) for BC post-secondary member institutions. Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) for Ontario post-secondary member institutionswww.ouac.on.ca The Common Application for US post- secondary member institutions. Applying directly through the PSI’s website if they are not available on one of the above mentioned sites. The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: October- November 2014
Time to Apply! Check the key dates and deadlines for your post-secondary application. Submit your post-secondary application and all required documents well in advance of deadlines. Apply to several post-secondary institutions to have a back-up plan and apply for residence if needed. Attend the post-secondary information sessions held at school and other public locations. The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: October- November 2014
Time to Apply! For general entry to most September-entry programmes, the application process is now open. Submitting an application starts the ball rolling – students do NOT report grades, etc. at this time. * Early applications often allow students to be automatically considered for early admission scholarships Many BC colleges generally use application date to determine the timing of admission decisions and assign priority registration to admitted students. Apply early to gain advantage in the registration process. Remind your child to be aware of application deadlines so that they don’t lose opportunities to attend the PSI of their choice!
Continue to research post-secondary financing options. Plan ahead when applying for scholarships and awards. Scholarship opportunities are posted on the Point Grey school website (under the Career Centre link), sent by e-bulletin to students, and can be found at the Point Grey Career Centre. Consult the grade 12 counsellor for scholarships that require school nomination, in advance of the deadline. Provide your referees with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for reference letters and other reports. The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: October- November 2014
November 1: It is the usual early decision application deadline for some US post-secondary institutions. The Common Application process is the central system whereby most of these are handled- have your child see me ASAP for information. Students should complete the online Post-Secondary Institutions (PSI) Selections Form at the Student Secure Web (SSW). Students were ed the instructions over the Thanksgiving weekend. This will also be addressed during guidance sessions in late Oct. – early Nov. Continue to attend the post-secondary information sessions held at school and other public locations. The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: October- November 2014
December 10: It is the UBC application deadline for students wishing to be considered for its major entrance scholarships. SFU’s online portal for the self-reporting of grades usually opens from mid December to the end of April at The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: December 2014
Submit transcript information with term 1 marks as required by the post-secondary institutions to which you have applied in the early application round. The PSIs differ in how they obtain term 1 marks: self-report; uploaded report card; etc. Most Ontario post-secondary institutions accept scanned copies of transcripts for students to report electronically. Feb. 1 Feb. 1 : is the date by which you must 100% complete the courses you are taking through distributed learning (online, distance learning) if you want to use the course marks in the calculation of your competitive admission average for undergraduate admission to UBC. Other PSIs have requirements around partial or full completion of online courses to be used for calculation of admission averages – check the PSIs of choice for specifics The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: January- February 2015
UBC’s online portal for the self-reporting of grades usually opens from March to the end of April. Self-reporting is mandatory for UBC. Most BC post-secondary institutions allow students to self-report their grades. McGill’s online portal for the regular round of self-reporting of grades usually opens from early March to early May at Most Canadian post-secondary institutions generally start issuing conditional offers of admission and scholarship. Some of the conditions attached to such offers typically include obtaining a secondary school diploma and maintaining a certain level of academic standing. Submit transcript information with term 2 marks if you have not received an offer of admission from Canadian post-secondary institutions in the early application round. The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: March 2015
The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: April- May 2015 April 30: It is the SFU application deadline for regular admission for the September 2014 intake. May 1: the 2015 deadline for completing the online PSI Selections Form to have interim transcript information forwarded to BC Electronic PSIs and/or the OUAC in May. Check the Online PSI Selection Instructions website for the 2014 deadline. Post-secondary institutions continue to issue conditional offers of admission. Students must check their s regularly and thoroughly all information forwarded from the post-secondary institutions to which they have applied. Students respond to an offers of admission as instructed. Accepting an offer usually requires you to pay a non-refundable confirmation deposit.
The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: June 2015 Check the BC provincial examination registry for details at ww.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams ww.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams Take English 12 provincial exam to meet the graduation requirements. Note: the exam is worth 40% of the final mark Attend course planning/registration sessions offered by post- secondary institutions. Apply for a student loan through StudentAid BC at if you need financial aid. Application for full-time student loans usually opens in early June.
The Grade 12 Year at a Glance: Final Thoughts
A word about online courses: These are administered separately by alternative providers. Essentially, it is a form of cross-enrollment. Parents need to ensure that if their child is taking an online course: - student progress be monitored to ensure that students are completing coursework in a timely fashion – particularly true for courses like Planning 10, social studies 11, etc., which are required for graduation - students should be reminded to provide documentation of course completion and final marks directly to their home school to ensure all marks and credits are entered by June - School staff cannot manage or oversee the completion of online courses, nor can we invigilate online exams or perform other supervisory functions (except by pre-arrangement in a dedicated Skills block) -