Jeopardy QuotesColoniesEconomicsColonies IIPeople FINAL
“I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.” 100 Harriet Tubman ===
200 === Portugal This nation controlled the route around the Cape of Good Hope to Asia.
300 === Spain This nation sponsored Christopher Columbus on his journeys of exploration
400 === England - Jamestown 1607 This nation was the first non- Spanish European nation to settle in the New World.
500 === This nation’s first settlement in the New World was in They claimed waterways, rivers, and lakes as well as land. France
100 This colony had the first permanent English colony in Virginia ===
200 === This colony was the site of the Pilgrims’ landing in Massachusetts
300 === The Dutch settled here calling it New Netherlands with its capital at New Amsterdam. New York
400 === This colony was settled by Quakers. They were “pacifist”, opposing all violence. The colony was named after its founder. Pennsylvania
500 === This colony was the center of rebellion in It had been settled by Puritans and was to be a “light on a hill” for all to see what a Christian colony was like. Massachusetts
100 === The trade pattern between the colonies, Africa, and the West Indies. Triangular Trade
200 === This tax law lowered the tax on a staple good in America and caused the colonies to protest the lowering of this tax. (It was collected) Sugar Act
300 === This law placed a tax on all legal documents -- newspapers, wills, land titles, etc. It caused the first major united opposition to English rule in America. Stamp Act
400 === A series of laws passed that taxed most goods within the colonies. Major violent opposition resulted in the repeal of all the taxes except on tea.. Townsend Acts
500 === A series of laws aimed at regulating colonial trade. Only English ships with English crews could transport selected goods to England first to be taxed. Navigation Acts
100 === This colony was settled by Puritans as a “light on a hill” to be an example of what a true Christian community should be like. Massachusetts
200 === This colony was once controlled by the Dutch and called New Netherlands with its capital being New Amsterdam. New York
300 === This colony was once controlled by the Dutch and called New Netherlands with its capital being New Amsterdam. Help
400 === This colony had a split personality due to the Dismal Swamp. Its ruling class culture was a reflection of the upper class society in Britain. Carolina
500 === This small colony was once New Sweden. Its claim to fame was the introduction of the log cabin in America. New Jersey
100 === Commander of the colonial Army during the Revolutionary War. George Washington
200 === Smuggler of Boston, wanted by the British at Lexington/Concord, President of the Continental Congress. John Hancock
300 === Led the mob actions in Boston, wanted by Britain at Lexington/Concord. A rabble- rouser in the true sense of the word. Sam Adams
400 === This man is noted in history as a traitor. He attempted to surrender to the British his command at West Point (Today this site is the U.S. Military Academy). Benedict Arnold
500 === This American is known to most as an inventor, but his importance to our nation is in the area of diplomacy. He negotiates with France to enter the Revolutionary War on our behalf. He was also on the committee to write the Constitution. Ben Franklin
FINAL JEOPARDY! It is the first official shots of the Revolutionary War. It is called the “shot heard around the world.” Name this Massachusetts town. Lexington