Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009 Early Californians
POWERPOINT JEOPARDY Native American Life Tribes History & Culture Root Words 1 Root Words 2 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
Native American Life 10 Points How did tribes use beads and goods to obtain items they needed from other tribes? Trading
Native American Life 20 Points Chumash leaders were great at getting tribe members to cooperate. What does cooperate mean? Working together
Become an expert at one kind of job. Native American Life 30 Points Many tribes, like the Maidu, had very skilled members because the workers learned to specialize. What does specialize mean? Become an expert at one kind of job.
CA Location 40 Points CHALLENGE: Native Americans often danced during ceremonies. Make up your own 15 second Native American style dance and perform it for the class. You have 10 seconds to begin. Go!
Why was storytelling a big part of the lives of California Indians? Native American Life 50 Points Why was storytelling a big part of the lives of California Indians? Storytelling was their way of explaining different things about the natural world.
Tribes 10 Points “Mai, Mai, Mai, Mai, Mai . . “ What did the Maidu tribe believe would made corn grow bigger? Singing a special song.
Tribes 20 Points What natural resource did the Chumash have that helped them waterproof their canoes? Tar
Games taught the children needed skills. Tribes 30 Points Why were games so important to the Miwok tribe? Games taught the children needed skills.
Tribes 40 Points P-P-P-Pomo tribe would often prune special trees. Why did they do this? They pruned oak and pine trees to help them produce more pine nuts and acorns.
Culture: Ways of speaking, acting, dressing, living. Tribes 50 Points Archaelogists can learn a lot about a tribe’s culture from artifacts they find. Define culture and artifact. Culture: Ways of speaking, acting, dressing, living. Artifact: object from the past.
They crossed a land bridge. History & Culture 10 Points How did early people travel from Asia to North America? They crossed a land bridge.
They had to follow and hunt animal herds. History & Culture 20 Points Why did the first early visitors to North America have to keep moving from place to place? They had to follow and hunt animal herds.
History & Culture 30 Points Rock on, tasty meal! The Yurok tribe lived in the northern coast. What was their most important food? Salmon!
What important role did trade play in the lives of California Indians? History & Culture 40 Points What important role did trade play in the lives of California Indians? Trade allowed tribes to obtain items from other tribes that they couldn’t easily obtain on their own.
History & Culture 50 Points Name two ways early people in North America could adapt their way of life when large animals died out. *Hunt smaller animals, eat plants, move to water source and fish, store nuts and grains.
Identify the root word and its meaning: dictionary Root Words 1 10 Points Identify the root word and its meaning: dictionary Dic = speak
Identify the root word and its meaning: donor Root Words 1 20 Points Identify the root word and its meaning: donor Don = Give
Identify the root word and its meaning: document, educate Root Words 1 30 Points Identify the root word and its meaning: document, educate Doc = teach Duc = lead
Gen = birth or race Form = shape Graph = Write Root Words 1 40 Points Identify the root words and their meaning: Generate, transform, autograph Gen = birth or race Form = shape Graph = Write
Root Words 1 50 Points Identify the root words and their meaning: Geology, Reflection, Diagram Geo = Earth Flect = Bend Gram = Letter, Written
Identify the root word and its meaning: manufacture Root Words 2 10 Points Identify the root word and its meaning: manufacture Fac = Make or Do
Identify the root word and its meaning: Efficient Root Words 2 20 Points Identify the root word and its meaning: Efficient Fic = Make or Do
Identify the root words and their meanings: genealogy, aqueduct 30 Points Identify the root words and their meanings: genealogy, aqueduct Gen = Birth or Race Duc = Lead
Root Words 2 40 Points CHALLENGE: Sing ‘Over the River and Through the Woods’ out loud and on your own. Up to the pumpkin pie line. Go!
Identify the root words and their meanings: Flexible, Diagram, Pardon 50 Points Identify the root words and their meanings: Flexible, Diagram, Pardon Flex = Bend Gram = Letter, Written Don = Give