Diploma VKE Starting 01 st June 2011
A Coherent Sequence of Education – PYP to DP These 3 Programs : study across a broad range of subjects give special emphasis to language acquisition and development encourage learning across disciplines focus on developing the skills of learning include, to a varying the study of individual subjects and of transdisciplinary areas provide students with opportunities for individual and collaborative planning and research include a community service component requiring action and reflection.
Understanding the IB PYP (3-12 years)MYP (11-16 years)DP (16-19 years) Six transdisciplinary themes – Programme Of Inquiry (POI) Eight subject GroupsSix subject Groups ExhibitionPersonal Project – Transdisciplinary Inquiry Extended Essay – Transdisciplinary Inquiry Service understood through POI Community ServiceCreativity, Action, Service
Diploma VKE 6 Subject Groups – Group 1 - Language A1 Group 2 - Second Language Group 3 - Individuals and Societies Group 4 - Experimental Sciences Group 5 - Mathematics and Computer Science Group 6 - The Arts
Subject Groupings for DP Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Core English Literature HindiHistoryBiologyMathVisual ArtsToK French ab initio EconomicsChemistryMath Studies CAS Business & Management PhysicsComputer Science Extended Essay ESS Design Technology
Selecting Subjects for your Streams EngineeringMedicineBusiness Studies ArtsI.TFine Arts English Hindi / French EconomicsBiologyEconomicsHistoryEconomicsHistory Physics B & MEconomicsPhysicsDT Chemistry ESS Math CSVisual Arts CORE
University Recognition At a meeting in New Delhi in April 1994, attended by the secretary general of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), a recognition and acceptance agreement for the IB diploma was approved as an entry qualification to all universities in India. The following agreement was revised in January 1999 and revisited in March From the May 2005 examination session, where requested, the IBO will produce and issue for universities a document detailing percentage equivalency and a transcript of results will be enclosed with the equivalency document. For further details please visit – =IN =IN