Recruiting Candidates for Effective County Councils County Extension Council Training Module Missouri Council Leadership Development — a partnership of the Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council and University of Missouri Extension October 2003 © 2003, University of Missouri Board of Curators
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Objectives Comply with state statutes Identify potential nominees Develop consistent message
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Overview Recruitment is first step in election process Council responsibility Open to any citizen of voting age
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Membership Elected Appointed Representative of people residing in county
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Statutes — Membership One each from: Each district County commission General farm organization Jurisdictions of 10,000+ or jurisdiction designated by council
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Statutes — Membership Two-year terms Elected Appointed Men and women eligible
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Statutes — Elections Determine number of positions Nominate two per district Set election date, places Provide ballots; make arrangements Notify commission, farm organizations, jurisdictions
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Recruiting Nominees Appoint nominating committee Create inclusive process
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Recruiting Nominees Seek diversity – Background – Gender – Occupation – Age – Race – Culture – Education – Socioeconomic status
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Recruiting Nominees Develop consistent message – Clear – Concise – Positive
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Recruiting Nominees Publicize – Local media – Personal contacts
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Talking to candidates Describe council responsibilities Be honest about time, issues
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Talking to Candidates Tell why you are asking Discuss personal benefits Explain election process
Missouri Council Leadership Development: 21 st Century Programs, Governance and Membership October Produced by the Council Leadership Development Committee a partnership of the Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council and University of Missouri Extension Recruiting Candidates for Effective County Councils County Extension Council Training Module