Advisory Committee / Nomination Committee R10 Meeting Lawrence Wong / YJ Park Advisory Committee/Nomination Subcommittee 2 March 2013 Chiangmai, Thailand
Advisory Committee Structure Chair –Lawrence Wong, Immediate Past Director Members: Two Past Directors: YJ Park, Janina Mazierska
Objectives To assist and advise Region 10 Director and Regional Committee when and where needed, based on acquired regional and corporate expertise and experience
Tasks for 2013 Assist and to advise Region 10 Director and Regional Committee and New Sections when and where needed Continue Push for Globalisation of IEEE and a better representation of R10 Assist in Increasing Nominations for IEEE Boards and Committee Coach Future IEEE Leaders of R10
Nomination Subcommittee Established in 2011 Chair ( ) Lawrence Wong Members Ramakrishna Kappagantu Janina Mazierska YJ Park
2012 Nomination Subcommittee Meeting May 26-27, 2012 Place: Odawara, Japan Participants: 4 persons (Lawrence, Toshi, Janina, YJ) Minutes –Discussing the strategy –Listing the candidates –Deciding contact persons
REPORT: Nomination Subcommittee Five major boards –EAB –MGAB –IEEE-SA –TAB –PSPB –IEEE USA IEEE Standing Committees
REPORT: Nomination Subcommittee Five major boards –EAB –MGAB 20 committees ( 187 positions) –IEEE-SA –TAB –PSPB –IEEE USA –IEEE Standing Committees 11 committees (169 positions)
REPORT: Nomination Subcommittee Prepared the list of 68 members from R10, based on recommendation from Sections and Director/EXCOM Nominated 42 members ( 16 members declined/ no response) Results in 2013 : 17 (26) positions (MGA Committees), 9% of the whole positions 19 (18) positions (IEEE Standing Committees), 11% of the whole positions (x) is the last year’s figure
PLAN FOR 2013 Assist and advise Region 10 Director and Regional Committee and New Sections when and where needed Face-to-face meeting Increase Nominations and Success Rate for IEEE Boards and Committees Promoting new Section/Subsection establishment in countries, where there is no IEEE OU.
2013 Budget Approved: $9,000 Actual spending: $7,827 ~ $10,000: Meeting expenses 2012 Budget