BELLRINGER Explain in complete sentences what is the Sun-Earth-Moon system.


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Presentation transcript:

BELLRINGER Explain in complete sentences what is the Sun-Earth-Moon system.



The Sun-Earth-Moon System  Rotation  Coriolis Effect  Tides  Revolution  Seasons  Moon  Lunar Eclipse  Solar Eclipse

The photographs show what the moon looks like from Earth. The drawings show what the moon would look like from space. PHASES OF THE MOONPHASES OF THE MOON

Lunar Eclipse  Earth’s shadow falls on the moon can only occur at Full Moon can only occur at Full Moon UMBRA – darkest part of the shadow, a region where the Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon. UMBRA – darkest part of the shadow, a region where the Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon. PENUMBRA – cone of shadow cast by deflected light, a zone where the Earth blocks part but not all of the Sun's rays from reaching the Moon PENUMBRA – cone of shadow cast by deflected light, a zone where the Earth blocks part but not all of the Sun's rays from reaching the Moon

Lunar Eclipse  There is a full moon once a month – why not a lunar eclipse? All 3 bodies must be in perfect alignment All 3 bodies must be in perfect alignment Must be nighttime when alignment occurs, only half the planet is experiencing night at a given time Must be nighttime when alignment occurs, only half the planet is experiencing night at a given time During Full Moon phase, the moon usually passes above or below Earth's shadows and misses them entirely. No eclipse takes place. During Full Moon phase, the moon usually passes above or below Earth's shadows and misses them entirely. No eclipse takes place. Two to four times each year, the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth's penumbral or umbral shadows resulting in an eclipse Two to four times each year, the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth's penumbral or umbral shadows resulting in an eclipse

MOON The moon's orbital plane does not "lie flat" along the ecliptic, but forms an angle of about 5º - affects chances of experiencing an eclipse. The moon's orbital plane does not "lie flat" along the ecliptic, but forms an angle of about 5º - affects chances of experiencing an eclipse. (note: the distances in this diagram are not to scale) Earth’s orbit around the sun

MOON Path of moon through Earth’s shadow during total eclipse in Note: the moon does not pass directly through the center of the UMBRA

LUNAR ECLIPSE  Partial Lunar Eclipse A portion of the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. A portion of the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are easy to see, even with the unaided eye. These events are easy to see, even with the unaided eye.  Total Lunar Eclipse The entire Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. The entire Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are quite striking for the vibrant range of colors the Moon can take on during the total phase (i.e. - totality). These events are quite striking for the vibrant range of colors the Moon can take on during the total phase (i.e. - totality).

LUNAR ECLIPSE  When an eclipse of the Moon takes place, everyone on the night side of Earth can see it. About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type which are very difficult to detect, even with a telescope. About 35% of all eclipses are of the penumbral type which are very difficult to detect, even with a telescope. 30% are partial eclipses which are easy to see with the unaided eye. 30% are partial eclipses which are easy to see with the unaided eye. 35% or so are total eclipses, and these are quite extraordinary events to behold. 35% or so are total eclipses, and these are quite extraordinary events to behold.

LUNAR ECLIPSE Indirect sunlight still manages to reach and illuminate it. However, this sunlight must first pass deep through the Earth's atmosphere which filters out most of the blue colored light. The remaining light is a deep red or orange in color and is much dimmer than pure white sunlight. Earth's atmosphere also bends or refracts some of this light so that a small fraction of it can reach and illuminate the Moon.

If the Earth had no atmosphere, then the Moon would be completely black during a total eclipse. Instead, the Moon can take on a range of colors. The filtering and refracting effect of Earth's atmosphere makes the total phase of a lunar eclipse interesting. The exact appearance depends on how much dust and clouds are present in Earth's atmosphere. Major volcanic eruptions tend to make total eclipses very dark, since these events dump large amounts of ash into Earth's atmosphere. During the total lunar eclipse of December 1992, dust from Mount Pinatubo rendered the Moon nearly invisible. LUNAR ECLIPSE

SOLAR ECLIPSE  Moon moves directly between Earth and the sun UMBRA – Dark inner shadow; total eclipses are seen from within this shadow. The track of the Moon's shadow across Earth's surface is called the Path of Totality. It is typically 10,000 miles long but only 100 miles or so wide. UMBRA – Dark inner shadow; total eclipses are seen from within this shadow. The track of the Moon's shadow across Earth's surface is called the Path of Totality. It is typically 10,000 miles long but only 100 miles or so wide. PENUMBRA – Faint outer shadow; partial eclipses are seen from within this shadow. PENUMBRA – Faint outer shadow; partial eclipses are seen from within this shadow.

SOLAR ECLIPSE  There is a NEW moon once a month – why not a solar eclipse? All 3 bodies must be in perfect alignment All 3 bodies must be in perfect alignment During New Moon phase, the moon’s shadow usually passes above or below our planet and misses Earth entirely. No eclipse takes place. During New Moon phase, the moon’s shadow usually passes above or below our planet and misses Earth entirely. No eclipse takes place. At least twice each year, the 3 bodies line up so that some part of the moon’s shadow falls on Earth’s surface At least twice each year, the 3 bodies line up so that some part of the moon’s shadow falls on Earth’s surface An eclipse of the Sun is seen from that region An eclipse of the Sun is seen from that region

2000 Jul 31: Partial Solar Eclipse SOLAR ECLIPSE

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