Going Mobile An Introduction to the Mobile Web Mark A. Greenfield
Mark Greenfield Higher ed web professional, consultant, keynote speaker, futurist, uwebd overlord, lacrosse coach, tennis player, music lover, dog rescuer markgr.com twitter.com/markgr delicious.com/markgr
Some History The Great Convergence Mobile – By The Numbers Getting Started Concluding Thoughts Outline
why broadband mattered
Some History The Great Convergence Outline
Voice Calls Computer GPS Accelerometer Camera/microphone/speakers Your mobile phone is not a phone!!!
A broad range of services that are based on (or enhanced by) information about the physical location of a user and/or device. Location Based Services
The layering of information over a view or representation of the normal world, offering users the ability to access placed-based information in ways that are compelling intuitive. Augmented Reality
Web 3.0 – The Internet of Things Everyware
Some History The Great Convergence Mobile – By The Numbers Outline
Carnac the Magnificent
The number of mobile phones sold last year 1.37 Billion
The number of mobile phones subscription world-wide 5.2 Billion
The percentage of people who will access the Internet from a mobile device by (It’s already 75% in Japan) 80%
The number of times the average person checks their mobile phone per day 150
Percentage of all banking accounts in Kenya are mobile phone banking accounts 49%
Percentage of teens in the U.S. can send a text message blindfolded. (They can type faster on a phone than a QUERTY keyboard) 42%
Text Messaging – 68% Voice (mobile call) – 9.2% Facebook – 8.8% Instant Messaging – 2.8% – 0.2% American Teens and Young Adults: “What’s your favorite way to communicate?”
2010 E-Expectations Report 23% of high school students reported searching college sites from their smart phones.
2010 E-Expectations Report 67% said they did not want college representatives contacting them by text 15% said they would text a college representative they had been working with
What would students most like to DO on a mobile site for a college or university? 77% Calculate college costs 75% Calculate scholarships 65% Schedule a visit 64% Watch videos 62% Access social media assets 53% IM with admissions reps 44% Complete an online application
Some History The Great Convergence Mobile – By The Numbers Getting Started Outline
know the problem you are trying to solve
Fail Fast, Fail Forward I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. -Thomas Edison
WWW SMTP SMS MMS LBS AR Explore All Opportunities
1.Make your site presentable 2.Responsive design 3.Mobile Web Site 4.Mobile Apps An Incremental Approach
Some History The Great Convergence Mobile – By The Numbers Getting Started Concluding Thoughts Outline
Douglas Adams
mobile is as different from the internet as tv is from radio
The Singularity is Near
A Keyboard and a Mouse that’s so 1970’s
“Put your best people on mobile.” - Google CEO Eric Schmidt
The Mobile Web is Coming Are you Ready?
Thank You mark a greenfield markgr.com twitter.com/markgr delicious.com/markgr